Last Meal

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What would your last meal be if you knew you were about to die? The sky's the limit!
8 piece box of Bojangles, 3 ribeyes, 5 lobster tails, shrimp scampi, homemade macaroni & cheese, wash it down with a ton of Coke & Jack Daniels, and for desert probably some cream cheese brownies & a bunch of milk.

I know all that doesn't go together well, but that's what I'd request.
funny you mentioned that someone sent me this by email this week.

EDITED, After looking at it, that cartoon is probably a little too off color for here.
I assume you mean last meal on earth. In that case, if I were Catholic, probably a wafer and some wine. :) But I'm not, but I am a Christian, and certainly believe no meal here is going to compare to anything in heaven. But, if I had to pick a last meal, hmmm.. I have very simple tastes, Im not fancy, and I dont like a lot of things. I guess I would have to go with a juicy steak that my dad grilled, baked potatoe (I guess I'll go with the butter on this one) a big cold glass of Coke, and for dessert, maybe a warm brownie with hot fudge, ice cream, whipped cream, with some choclate sprinkles.

BTW, I better die within 3 hrs, or I'll have to have another meal.

Harvey Balboner said:
funny you mentioned that someone sent me this by email this week.

EDITED, After looking at it, that cartoon is probably a little too off color for here.

I didn't think it was inappropriate really. It is a cartoon. and it went good with my post :)
Steak and lobster. Shrimp of some kind, mashed potatoes and two McChickens. Cheesecake for desert. Coke to drink. I'd see if I could get passed a few viconins or percs - hell you said the sky is the limit...Oxicontin - I'm dying right? Wait, this was Tuesday night!
gymrat said:
I didn't think it was inappropriate really. It is a cartoon. and it went good with my post :)

I didn't think it was that bad, but just don't want to put up with any shit for posting something like that.
If I knew I was going to die in 24 hours, I think I'd be too freaked out to eat.
WTF is the obsession with redwings? This to me is plain sick. Truthfully, when I first heard about this, I thought nobody would ever do it. Damn, I feel like a minority, lol.
jaywooly Steak and lobster. Shrimp of some kind, mashed potatoes and two McChickens. Cheesecake for desert. Coke to drink. I'd see if I could get passed a few viconins or percs - hell you said the sky is the limit...Oxicontin - I'm dying right? Wait, this was Tuesday night!

i like your meal but will have to add some crab and any other seafood i can get my hands on. mmmm.. oxys
Fly to Texas, Dallas/Ft. Worth maybe, and go to a real Mexican restaurant and have enchiladas, chile rellenos, and fajitas. Wash it all down with a six pack of Corona (love it) and a few shots of tequila and lime. I'd eat this 4 hours b4 I die cuz I wouldn't want to suffer the effects!

BTW Jaywooly you aren't in the minority! I'd never heard of redwings til I read it here. I don't think I would enjoy it.