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Are lats pretty much determined by genetics?? becuase i train my lats pretty hard and it seems that i just cant get them to flare out at all... or is it just a matter of getting yoru bodyfat low to see them?? get back to me if anyone has any tips or have gotten good progress off a certain exercise.. I know pullups are the best but man i dont know if im the only one but my shoulders go through hell when i do pullups i get pain in my right one
My back exploded from light pullups as a warmup, then hammer strength machine iso lat rows, very heavy and with several grips... but most imporantly, deadlifts!
thanks for the reply.. yea thats one thing i admit that i dont put into my workout and i know its KEY and thats deadlifts.. i just feel it all in my lower back main not sure how its the lats i must have bad form lolol get back to me if you have a good picture or site that shows step by step good form
i know everyone thinks deadlifts are the greatest, but i don't think they do anything for me except kill my lower back.

For lats, I love wide grip pull downs - very heavy, lots of sets.

yea jap im with you on this one either im doing deadlifts totally wrong which im sure its not perfect technique but its close enough that i shoudl feel more then just my lower back.. if someone can tell me how to emphasize the lats when doing dead lifts that would be great... i just feel alot of strain on lower back
Its tougher to make gains in the bodyparts that are harder to see (sometimes). So you also need to use alot of visualization, but you'll get there. Keep training as heavy as possible on all your lat excercises. I got my best results from 340-400-lb. lat pulldowns and 315 lbs. on the bent-over barbell rows. So go heavy. Also remember that Ronnie Coleman uses super heavy poundages for his back growth, over 500 lbs. on the BB rows, etc. I was at a seminar recently where Ronnie and also Milos Sarcev was there. Milos said he couldn't keep up with the poundages Ronnie was using recently during a back workout, but found out that's what he needed was the super heavy weights to make his back grow.
I agree w/japan on the dead works lower back and trap like crazy but does squat for the back, but as Al put it, pull ups should be a staple in your work out! If someone doest believe me about the dead lift thing I have never ever done deads before but I will put my back up against anyones (my size of course) and I guarantee mine is as big as if not bigger....oh yeah I am only 5'6"! lol
glad to hear there are others out there who feel the same about deads... i was under the impression that everyone in the BB world completed exalted them.

I have looked at tons of web sites, and talked to a lot of BBers about form and I'm pretty sure my form is good - but it still kills my back. I have been doing them this time on my bulking program... but it killed my progress on squats - since my back hurt too much to go really heavy on them.

Anyway... like many bros said above... going heavy helps build those lats. cable rows work well too.
imo, if you are pushing your chest out and shoulder's back at the top of your dl's, you are definitely workout your lats. And you probably have me, mwc - I just measured mine, and I'm only at 49". :(
Deadlifts are great, I guess I'm one of the old school people who love them.

Upright rows will help too.
Go slower with your Lat Pull downs and really squeeze at the bottom. Also when you are doing your wide grip pullups try and hold yourself at the top. I do a few and then hold for as long as I can.
dead lifts own all--- my lats dont grow inless i pack the weight on. My first cycle when i jumped to 260 was the first time i found out i had them. Now there still there at 225, i warm up with pull ups, then do some negatives. And my fav is triple pull downs, wide down to belly, lil narrow down to chest, real narrow to forhead. try that
My vote goes towards the chin-ups.

I didn't even know I had lats till I began doing chin-ups. Now they're sticking out more.
I still do deadlifts but try to limit them to 1 or 2 sets at the end of back workout. How about t bar rows? I can really feel it in my lats when I do them. Do a couple warm up sets and then pack on the poundage. As for proper form on deadlifts ,if you don't have it you can do some serious damage to your lower back. Get into squat position at bottom,head up, arms on the side of your legs, and the bar rides on your shins and quads all the way up. If the bar comes off your legs your doing them wrong. Ever see powerlifters do deadlifts, they got powder all over their legs so they don't rip all the skin off their shins. They are a lower back exercise though, hence the lower back pain. I met allot of people who do deadlifts with legs.
No way in hell I could do deads with legs.....deadlifts, bent over barbell rows and t-bar rows in the corner (yup, Ronnie's workout)

My back's pretty wide, and it didn't used to be that way until I added heavy as shit deadlifts into the mix
thanks for all the replys man good info.. i think alot of it has to do with genetics or your body fat just has to be super low to see them becuase i dont see them to much but i feel it when im working out but just having trouble to get them to come out more especially upper part to get wider