Lee Priest new tattoo

I have always thought that Lee struggles with an identity crisis...I love tattoos especially on women, but he just looks ridiculous. Maybe he just wants even more attention??

Kind of like the Jersey Shore kids, confused and trying to fit in.
I agree. That tattoo looks like it was done in crayon. I'm not a fan of tattoos, but Presser's tramp stamp is pretty wicked cool

He added to it....he has a set of boxing gloves and "Hit it like a champ" written beside it. He has a pic of it up on here somewhere lol
Lol!! Alright I feel bad.

Well I don't! This is the tiebreaker Presser...I found the pic of your tattoo big was talkin about

nice work. How did you come up with pic?

bit of story with that me and my son where watching the last episode of walking dead and there was a black women with 2 zombies on chains with gimp balls in there mouths..was not gona get that done of course but that put the seed in my mind.
so it went from there changed it around in my mind for a few months then went to my tat guy and got him two draw it up.
2weeks later and a few changes this was the end result. took me 12 years to choose that tat and 4 years to get the other one as well im real fussy when it comes to tats and the tattoo artist as well i got to know this guy and saw his work before hand then waited 1-2 years to see how they aged.so i know he was good..im like 3 gen with tats in my family my bro is a ex biker and full of em so have always been funny with tats cuz my bro got some shit ones..tats on the face and hand are a no no in my book my bro got some on his hands and he had them removed not a good look when u are a boss.plus u never know whats gona happen in 10-20 years..
I love tats. I'm covered from my waist to my jawline (chest, back, shoulders, neck, stomach). Both sleeves including my hands (backs, palms, fingers). But Lee's tats look like shit.
My weight lifting friends have them and when they get me drunk,, they try to take me to get tatted. They have a friend that owns a place. It almost happened a couple times. To be honest the only tat I've ever liked was the Anchor that sailors had on there forearms. My grandfather had one and he was big and mean. It looked bad ass. I was named after him and physically we are the same so I have thought about the anchor.
As for chics with them. After my ex wife left, I "hung" out with a few and it was fun but I prefer the chics not be tatted. These girls were strippers and my buddy owns the place,, so it was good times.
Lol yeah I doubt it's a good idea getting and picking out a tattoo when your drunk lol
Lee should have stuck with the superman s and left it at that. Now he looks like the grown up version of what Mike Tyson and Amy Winehouse's kid would look like.

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