Leg Day Motivation aint what it use to be lmao

After years of heavy squats, I have switched to leg presses, and have been able to maintain a lot of the mass that I acquired when I was squatting. I also do hack squats sometimes, but my knees have to be really warmed up for that. I also switch up the position of my feet when doing leg presses so I hit all the muscles in the quads.
I do leg day on Thursdays. I came home Thursday night and could barely walk. Every time that happens I feel like I have accomplished greatness. A scant 9 months ago I was about 28% body fat and had just shifted my regular TRT injection pattern to E3.5D. I hooked up with 3Js Nutrition Network and he taught me all about diet, the key to everything. Before I started my bulk, I was at slightly under 14% body fat. So for me, the pain and suffering I receive as part of working out is glorious! It reminds me of how far I have come and that I have a lot further I can go if I simply decide to work hard enough to get it.

That and the sex is better on leg day - the wife takes pity on me and does all the work. :)
I do leg day on Thursdays. I came home Thursday night and could barely walk. Every time that happens I feel like I have accomplished greatness. A scant 9 months ago I was about 28% body fat and had just shifted my regular TRT injection pattern to E3.5D. I hooked up with 3Js Nutrition Network and he taught me all about diet, the key to everything. Before I started my bulk, I was at slightly under 14% body fat. So for me, the pain and suffering I receive as part of working out is glorious! It reminds me of how far I have come and that I have a lot further I can go if I simply decide to work hard enough to get it.

That and the sex is better on leg day - the wife takes pity on me and does all the work. :)

damn bro you have really shed some body fat! good for you!!!
Yea brother presser it's gets worse year by year actually grew into which is crazy... I am actually looking to find a natural cure from maybe being part food allergies etc...there has to be something out there..

I used to have asthma when I was young - the kind that feels like there are thousands of needles trying to poke holes in your lungs when you breathe. Every day, I would spend 30 minutes taking deeper and deeper breaths, to the point where I was sure my lungs would burst from the pain, and hold the breath for as long as I could each time. Slowly, over many months, I found I could breathe very deeply without any pain, the asthma was gone. The added benefit is that I now breathe very slowly and very deeply on a regular basis and I can hold my breath for a very long time. It is amazing how most people use almost none of their lung capacity.
Yea brother presser it's gets worse year by year actually grew into which is crazy... I am actually looking to find a natural cure from maybe being part food allergies etc...there has to be something out there..[/QUOTE]

How about taking ECA stacks, does that help your asthma or at least open your breathing up a little better?