Legal steroids and 100% Quality


New member
I have no interest other than curiosty in asking this question--having said that------
In the back of most BB magizines you see advertising for test and hormone therapy clinics--what you wind up doing after you contact them is get a blood test(if you have insurance your md ,s office can get this free) once you send your results(there only interested in testostrone levels) and they always interpet the levels as not high enough for you -thus ,there house md can then legally prescibe you a script for test,any ester and deca,arimidex,etc. Some clinics have more items to choose from than others--you than purchase the steriod thru there local phamacies(most of these places are in Florida) the result is 100% legal and 100%quality steroid. The price for all this really isn,t that bad(compared to the stress of getting busted by bying illegally) a scipt cost around 25$ usally good for 6 to 12 months and foe ie.,test cyn,10cc vial 200ml goes for around 115$.
So if this is all true,and I know it is,then why isn''t everyone doing it? What am I missing?
That cost (115$) is still double what it should be. I believe the reason it is not used more is the lack of products. If you would like EQ, Test prop, Tren, Winnie, Masteron, d-bols, a-bombs etc you can not obtain them there.
The clinic I am familar with offers UNLIMITED amount of any product(I mean i guess you couldn,t order 1000 vial s of something,but ordering enough test for say a 6 month cycle at 1 g wkly is fine) and also this clinic offers,cyn, enath,prop,deca,(anandrol, really expensive) clomid ,arimidex,hcg,hg and needles,pins etc. Like I said,I just wonder why places like these are not used more,the price of getting busted is just to high for me in every way--and knowing everything is 100% quality and sterile is what the 115$ is worth I guess.
i guess alot of them have catches for ie., this clinic I,m referring to is set up so that its 25$ for a script and a script is only good for 1 time ordering.So for this to be a non issue you need to order all the gear at one ordering--which is cool anyway--but the next time you want to order anything you then have to pay another25$--
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