Legs, need some trash talk


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Tommorrow is leg day, so get me pissed and ready. Call me names, call me out, say whatever. Only my kids are off limits. Feel free to bash mom, x-wife, me most. Get in my head. I need a good leg day. I gotta break through this pussy excuses I give myself. So what's the best you guys got ????
put some pictures up of you, doesnt have to be posing, just what u usually wear, I'll have the cure for you
call into me and H8tred's new radio station on the weekday mornings, and following u just may hang yourself shortly thereafter
pencils is right. Pics, ok. I need a couple days for that. You guys are being weak. I thought this was a hard-core site.
pencils is right. Pics, ok. I need a couple days for that. You guys are being weak. I thought this was a hard-core site.

well fuck you and your faggot ass legs, if you could get your boyfriends cock out of your mouth long enough to add 5 pictures it would be helpful but that would mean you getting off your swollen knees and back on those dangling toothpicks that you call legs, we wont judge you just bc you have a mustache to cover your stretch marks. pansy:pirate:
You're a pussy ass bitch if you don't do legs deep and hard!! STFU AND SQUAT!!!!! Scream each rep out and hit that shit mofo!!!
I thought in the new mens physique that you can wear board shorts, so dont bother doing legs. Just go get your hair done on leg day.
good one guys, def getting me fired up. Ok, the Mens Physique was the feather, so I will go balls to the walls hardcore and scream it out until I cant do anymore. Ill report me workout to ya, without shame.
Thanks guys
I used to work out with a dude like this. He'd be struggling on a rep and I'd start telling him how I was gonna screw his woman or something and he'd get so mad he'd crank out a few more reps. I guess it's like the fighters that have their trainers slap the hell out of them several times.
No, just getting back into legs, my weak part and I could never get into them, so I was just trying to pysc myself up and have s little fun.
you and your legs suck bro..... wicked bad. If i were you I wouldnt even bother with them. Lets face it, 10 out of 10 women you see everyday have 10x the legs you wish you had. Do you feel embarrassed when your squating (just the bar), and there is a 16 yr old girl next to you, also squating (way more than you) making you look silly?? I would be. I would go home and smash my excuse for testicles with a small novelty baseball bat.... yeah you know the one's im talking about bitch. Then I would sign all of my assets, and everything I own, to my wife, because she would obviously be the man in the relationship at this point. Now go into the bathroom, and steal some of your wife's vagisil, so you can clean the sand out of your stinky pink vaginal-canal. PUSSY