Let the New Year Rush Begin!


New member
Now that the New Year began, I'm sure you're aware that the gym gets busy... Do you feel more motivated to go to the gym when the New Years resolution people come to workout or do you feel more discouraged?
Definitely more discouraged. I hate having to wait for equipment, it throws off my whole workout.
its a pain in the ass... usually though you give them a max of 4weeks then they start to disapere.
It bugs the hell outta me, fair enough people have to start somewhere but you can tell instantly the people that are gonna stay the course and those that will find they are missing their fav soap on tv and give in. They fall in to 2 main catagories in my opinion ... the 'resolution' crew and the 'top heavy' bunch. Those that only train the first 4 weeks in the year, and those that only train the top half of their body until it starts to get near summer :)
It doesn't bother me, but I've certainly noticed an increase in people this week. Most seem to be a bit older though and are using the cardio equipment and machines.
I feel discouraged its so annoying, all these jackass cock bags standing around every where misusing every single piece of equipment, all doin chest bicep and shoulder workouts in 1. there was a group of people today staring at a guy doin flat bench with 110 db's like he was superman, 1 of them was actually smiling as he stared at this guy..... Come on March!!! truth is there was already less people today than last week
I feel discouraged its so annoying, all these jackass cock bags standing around every where misusing every single piece of equipment, all doin chest bicep and shoulder workouts in 1. there was a group of people today staring at a guy doin flat bench with 110 db's like he was superman, 1 of them was actually smiling as he stared at this guy..... Come on March!!! truth is there was already less people today than last week

You brought up a good point... when you see a newbie doing something improper (ie bad form) or dangerous, do you speak up or just let them be?
You brought up a good point... when you see a newbie doing something improper (ie bad form) or dangerous, do you speak up or just let them be?
I do that on a person to person basis. If its someone by themselves looking around nervously and stuff yes, if its a thug kid w tats on his nect and lightning bolts cut in his fade, and a stupid grin on his face, def not, id rather tell ppl if i know they'll listen, or if it's an elder person so they don't hurt themselves
I speak up if they are really going to hurt themselves. Had a couple of young guys doing squats facing the wrong way in of those sloped squat racks (not a cage) a couple of years ago, couldn't let that one go.

I can't wait for Jan and Feb to pass. Everyone starts the week doing some kind of upper body so I'm going to change my leg workouts to Monday since hardly no one uses those pieces of equipment.
I saw something last night that I couldn't quite understand. These two guys had the short bar attached to the cable machine as if to do cable curls. But, instead they laid in the floor on their backs with their feet by the little pulley thing and their legs straight and curled the weight. It seemed like the exact same motion of a cable curl or even a barbell curl, so I couldn't figure out why the hell they were laying in the floor.
Saudades I was thinking the same thing, as I did legs today.
Ox I have seen that on the row machine, laying on the bench tho, supposedly good for when u have forearm splintas, I personally have done rope curls on the row machine by layin on my back and knees bent alot, and bringing ur hands in almost a hammer position from the inside of ur knees, to the AC part of your clavicle, kind of in a V, One of my giant friends showed me that. Also w more ppl that means more ppl staring at ur girl, and i know everyone goes right for the insecyrity thing, thats not it, I just hate mother fuckers staring, we been together 5 years w no cheating issues, I just really cant stand fucking people obviously staring when she is right beside me, thats obvious disrespect, so I always say aloud some sarcastic rude shit so everyone in a 20 foot range (even in a loud gym) hears it. I can not wait until March as well Saudades, Il just skip upper body until than lol, or just do chest and bi's on the wkends since the lazy fucks dont go fri-sun