Lets talk....Carbohydrates


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What carbohydrates do you tolerate best?

Its like this.....

First Meal (what carbohydrates, why, and how do you know you tolerate them best)

Second Meal
(what carbohydrates, why, and how do you know you tolerate them best)

Third Meal
(what carbohydrates, why, and how do you know you tolerate them best)

Snacks (what carbohydrates, why, and how do you know you tolerate them best)

Pre workout
(what carbohydrates, why, and how do you know you tolerate them best)

Post workout
(what carbohydrates, why, and how do you know you tolerate them best)

Carbohydrate loading day
(what carbohydrates, why, and how do you know you tolerate them best)


Cheat meal day (what carbohydrates, why, and how do you know you tolerate them best)
I have concentrated on a lower carb approach for over a year. I have experienced a stagnant period of growth. Now, I'm eating more and more carbs. As a result, I am finally experiencing growth again. First things first. Figure out your body style.... Ectomorph? Endomorph? Mesomorph? Eat and train accordingly....
I carb cycle daily! Which works great for me! I fast in the morning and only drink protein shakes now, and i won't eat carbs until 45 minutes prior to the gym! I eat 4-5 packs of flavored oatmeal, and watch my muscle expand in front of my eyes before even touching a weight! it just works great for me!
I carb cycle daily! Which works great for me! I fast in the morning and only drink protein shakes now, and i won't eat carbs until 45 minutes prior to the gym! I eat 4-5 packs of flavored oatmeal, and watch my muscle expand in front of my eyes before even touching a weight! it just works great for me!
Do you eat more carbs depending on your workout and energy levels prior to that workout?
Do you eat more carbs depending on your workout and energy levels prior to that workout?

yeah, if I'm doing legs or a heavy chest day, i load my oatmeal up with sugar and cinnamon lol, then ill grab a red bull on the way to the gym, i use to drink Carbo forces but my new gym doesn't sell that shit so i just get red bull! sad but true,

I do not eat like a bodybuilder thats for sure! I use to, but over the years i learned what works for me and what doesn't! I probably haven't put more then a pound or two of lean quality muscle on in years honestly, I just hold steady at my current size, and keep lean as possible, Now that I'm older i try to keep it so you can see all my abs and my seratus , its too hard to diet anymore lmao
yeah, if I'm doing legs or a heavy chest day, i load my oatmeal up with sugar and cinnamon lol, then ill grab a red bull on the way to the gym, i use to drink Carbo forces but my new gym doesn't sell that shit so i just get red bull! sad but true,

I do not eat like a bodybuilder thats for sure! I use to, but over the years i learned what works for me and what doesn't! I probably haven't put more then a pound or two of lean quality muscle on in years honestly, I just hold steady at my current size, and keep lean as possible, Now that I'm older i try to keep it so you can see all my abs and my seratus , its too hard to diet anymore lmao
What does your postworkout look like?
Most of us are combinations of ecto meso endo. I myself am an endo meso. I get fat as hell if I dont workout. Like Presser said, eat what works for you.
I've been doing what I think of as daily carb cycling also for the last several months. That is, low or no carbs one day, moderate carbs the next. Not being super strict about it, and even on "no carb" days I still eat fruit, which I do realize are simple carbs, but you get the idea.

My wife and I have just been away for an overnight trip, and my diet, such as it is, went right out the window today. Figured I can afford a "cheat day", especially since I have no particular time goal, just I want to see 6 pack abs again sometime relatively soon, instead of the 4 pack I have. Anyway, the unexpected result of my recent reduced carb intake is that my body seems to have adapted to a lower carb intake and no longer tolerates higher carbs very well. I had a couple waffles at the hotel for breakfast this morning (along with eggs and bacon), and a couple uours later a dry bagel for a snack. After the bagel I bexame quite bloated, gassy and had heartburn. I think it was a result of lots more carbs than usual.
I time my carbs a bit. Basically I keep each meal to 1 cup of brown rice or 1 pack of oatmeal for my first 4 meals. After workout I have probably 100 grams of carbs from Apple juice, strawberries, banana, and sugar from Greek yogurt. After that I do my best to have no carbs. Well other than the small amount in almonds and nuts. I like to keep my abs and serratus clear visible and my waist super tight. This keeps me there, but I also do 30-45 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. Sometimes 6. Miss a single one of those carb meals and I go flat fast, but I also tighten up fast.
This diet has had no negative effects on my ability to make slow progress in the gym. If anything I'm better as my energy levels are easy to control and predict and I get excited to train because shit gets real when I've got a pump!
I have one cheap meal a week, but it's usually no higher in carbs than a whole Publix sub.
My suggestion (and what I did) is go super low with the carbs and high with the cardio for as long as you can and get real lean. Once you reach a point that your happy with slowly add in carbs by adding say 1 cup of brown rice per day total and evaluate for 5-6 days. You'll quickly learn how many and what kind of carbs you can eat and keep your condition. Breads are my Achilles heal. I love breads, but they trash my conditioning.

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Dude, that sounds like a good plan. I need to make a change of some kind because my fat loss has stalled. I had been slowly shedding it and not losing too much muscle, but I seem to be holding pretty steady now, and I'm not where I want to be yet.
I time my carbs a bit. Basically I keep each meal to 1 cup of brown rice or 1 pack of oatmeal for my first 4 meals. After workout I have probably 100 grams of carbs from Apple juice, strawberries, banana, and sugar from Greek yogurt. After that I do my best to have no carbs. Well other than the small amount in almonds and nuts. I like to keep my abs and serratus clear visible and my waist super tight. This keeps me there, but I also do 30-45 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. Sometimes 6. Miss a single one of those carb meals and I go flat fast, but I also tighten up fast.
This diet has had no negative effects on my ability to make slow progress in the gym. If anything I'm better as my energy levels are easy to control and predict and I get excited to train because shit gets real when I've got a pump!
I have one cheap meal a week, but it's usually no higher in carbs than a whole Publix sub.
My suggestion (and what I did) is go super low with the carbs and high with the cardio for as long as you can and get real lean. Once you reach a point that your happy with slowly add in carbs by adding say 1 cup of brown rice per day total and evaluate for 5-6 days. You'll quickly learn how many and what kind of carbs you can eat and keep your condition. Breads are my Achilles heal. I love breads, but they trash my conditioning.

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Bread makes me fat as fuck!
7 frozen strawberries, half a frozen banana, 10oz apple juice, 1 cup vanilla Greek yogurt, 90 grams of whey protein

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I carb cycle daily! Which works great for me! I fast in the morning and only drink protein shakes now, and i won't eat carbs until 45 minutes prior to the gym! I eat 4-5 packs of flavored oatmeal, and watch my muscle expand in front of my eyes before even touching a weight! it just works great for me!

Dude while I was training for a show my post workout meal was packs of flavored oats mixed with whey! To this day I do close to the same post workout, Now I use pour my whey protein mixed with h20 over a few cups of lucky charms or what every kids cereal I am into that month.

As for the question about carbs... What works for me is low GI carbs every meal and only taking high GI carbs post workout. rest days are low carbs high fat/training days high carbs low fat. I am old school guys and keep things easy so if something isn't working I can find out why.

If I am looking to gain or drop lbs I stick to 100% whey, chicken and fish (my gut cant take red meat) . As for carbs oats and brown rice. Fat is from only almonds.

Its just make's things simple and easy to fix for me!

Just adding my 2c guys.
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Dude while I was training for a show my post workout meal was packs of flavored oats mixed with whey! To this day I do close to the same post workout, Now I use pour my whey protein mixed with h20 over a few cups of lucky charms or what every kids cereal I am into that month.

As for the question about carbs... What works for me is low GI carbs every meal and only taking high GI carbs post workout. rest days are low carbs high fat/training days high carbs low fat. I am old school guys and keep things easy so if something isn't working I can find out why.

If I am looking to gain or drop lbs I stick to 100% whey, chicken and fish (my gut cant take red meat) . As for carbs oats and brown rice. Fat is from only almonds.

Its just make's things simple and easy to fix for me!

Just adding my 2c guys.

LOL @ Lucky Charms, those fuckers are tasty aren't they,lol, expensive but tasty lol
I envy you guys that are lean enough to have the seratus showing.

It isn't a walk in the park for me. I eat the exact same shit all day every day every week for the last 7 months... I work very hard for my serratus. 30-45 minutes of cardio daily...

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I do no cardio none.i
i eat everything my wife is italian and makes great meals
She also bakes cakes.pies and everthing else a person shouldent eat.
I gain nothing when im trying to bulk i will eat 3000-4000.
calories and cant gain shit i have the hardest time gaining.
Even when on Dbol i dont gain much and cant seem to retain water.
Sucks heavyest i ever been was 210lbs and that was eating every thing that passed in front of me.
Someone tell me what is wrong!!why cant i gain
or what can i use to help me gain i stay the same shape no matter what im on I now whey 190 tired of trying to get big and nothing???
Most of us are combinations of ecto meso endo. I myself am an endo meso. I get fat as hell if I dont workout. Like Presser said, eat what works for you.

I am exact same Endo Meso... I get fat simply breathing! And at this age I can't afford to.