Lifting and recreational activities

I sleep with a back scratcher. Beats getting up to scratch your back against the door jam. I just pin glutes blindly. No way
I can twist around to see. lol Dont beat yourself up about the batting. If you spent some steady time at it I think a lot
of it would come back.

That's funny as hell. People laugh at me at work all the time cause I have gloves on most of the time. So, all night I'm backing up against the counter or wall or door. Especially this time of year. Skin dry as fuck!!
He once told me that too. I never understood it either. He says something about having to be careful to not clench and tighten the muscle

Whenever Presser gets shaky hands it's from what he calls "having a huge D" stuck in his ass, whatever that means

Two Classic Cases Of what Psychologists Call... "PENIS ENVY" sad sad sad! lol
I sleep with a back scratcher. Beats getting up to scratch your back against the door jam. I just pin glutes blindly. No way
I can twist around to see. lol Dont beat yourself up about the batting. If you spent some steady time at it I think a lot
of it would come back.
Im so going to put back scratcher on night stand
Do you guys itch like a mutha fucker when you have a growth spurt??? I was going to attribute my constant itchiness to dry skin, BUT since I've gained over 12 lbs in the past 2 weeks, I think I'll chalk part of it up to new growth.....

And not just my new penis growth, Presser....RFLMAO!!!!!!
Man lifting is the worst thing that happened to my golf game, I went from like 184lbs to 218 in just a few months and usually shot in the mid to high 70's and now I can't break 90.
5'9" 193lbs and about 14-15%. Fuckin Dbol....I was right at 13% and dropping, but I'm tryin to break that E-L-U-S-I-V-E 200lb
5'9" 193lbs and about 14-15%. Fuckin Dbol....I was right at 13% and dropping, but I'm tryin to break that E-L-U-S-I-V-E 200lb
same height and I only weigh more than you by like 14 pounds. My legs have good flexibility, but my hip flexers are always none compliant lol. My arms have got a lot more stiff though