Lifting partner

I have a bunch. They call me the gym vampire. I have one I train with alot but he isnt the type to push me so I workout with other people alot too to push me and they are usually bigger or stronger than I am. But im a work horse so Ill keeping pushing them just as hard even though they may do more than me.
i get better focus alone, but my ol'lady works out with me too half the time and she's been better as a training partner than any dude has been. poeple talk to much.
On certain days I'd prefer to have one, but only for specific exercises. Like I'd love to have one for bench day simply so that they can hand the weight out to me and spot me then the same on military presses and then I'd love to have someone be able to spot me on squats, but I guess if I really wanted, I could just find someone to do those for me