Little guys in the gym...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I'm not typically one to critique guys in the gym unless they're doing something ridiculous, but today I wanted to punch a few people. There is his guy who might be 190# tops and he is training with this powerlifter who nobody likes. This guy is a good powerlifter, but acts as though people should worship him yet he's the biggest piece of shit I've ever met. He can't get people to train with him because he just uses them and once they realize he's only fucking them over they walk away. So he's got this young kid, the 190# kid, training with him and this kid knows NOTHING about powerlifting. He is not strong and shouldn't be doing this style of training because he's only going to hurt himself. I was benching beside them today and as this kid weighs more than me I can by far lift more than him yet he sizes me up and looks down at me because I don't powerlift. He seriously put a bench shirt on today and tried 225# on bench. That is crazy, if he can't lift that raw he should not be in a shirt. I so badly wanted to punch the guy who is training him because he knows better and is going to ruin this kid very badly. Should I try to say something to the kid or let him learn? I already know he won't listen and will tell the other guy (which I don't care about because he's a piece of shit anyway) but I don't want to see him get hurt
I used to try to help people. I figured out long ago its a waste of time. Sometimes I actually want people to get hurt in the gym so I can laugh at them.
That's more or less how I'm feeling, but in my opinion if you can bench double your weight then there is absolutely no reason to out a shirt on. I'm benching what he is using in a bench shirt to bench for reps. The worse part is that he thinks he's tough too
Let him learn the hard way.

I agree. Let the bigheaded hard head learn the hard way. If he ever talks shit ask him if he can train you to be as strong as him one day. (didnt you say
he outwieghs you yet you bench more?) That usually shuts them up. I been around the gyms LONG time I dont give advice unless asked. Especially in a
situation like this.
That just sucks. I don't know if I don't pay attention or if that stuff just doesn't happen around me anymore. I'm pretty much in my own world in the gym though. Guys with attitude are the worst. Occasionally there is an ass that sits on equipment that I want to use and has a smart ass remark when I ask about it, but I've grown much more tolerant in my old age. I don't feel the need to point out the obvious.
Usually the biggest, meanest looking guys in the gym are also the nicest and most respectful. The little guys are usually the ones that are douches. That's just my experience.
Don't even bother with those knuckle heads. It will just piss you off even more if you waste your time on them and they don't listen to anything you are saying. I tend to ignore all the weird crazy stuff people do and I am better for it. lol.
I really don't see the kid listening to you. Some things you have to learn the hard way. It sucks in this case because he's only 19 and he's probably going to f himself up.
hard one but i just dont care any more..there is so many fucktards in my gym if i said some thing to all off em i would be there all day...the only reason i go there is because its dirt cheap and huge so i can do what i got to do and get out...its very unlikly this young pup will hear u any way and is it wourth making enemy's with these 2...clearly they are both fuck tards any way..
Yeah thats how it always is...The smaller guys try to act tough and bigger then they are. I can always gauge a true lifter by how much clothes he is or isn't wearing. The true guys are pretty much covered up not seeking attention...I find the smallest guys have short shorts, tank tops and walk around with air lats...trying to get attention.

Every Pro I have ever trained with does their best not to draw attention to themselves....I see Evan Centopani train when I am at PowerHouse New Haven and he has some of the biggest lats I have ever seen and that exist..and it's funny because he doesn't even have the "air lat syndrome"..You will see a guy 5'8 190lbs walk by him with chest puffed out and lats out when walking by him. I saw a kid do it to him once and when he got closer to me I asked him "if he gets beat up alot?" He then deflated, shook his head and walked off LOL.
"air lats" I learned a new term. lol Asked the kid if he got beat up a lot. lol I love a good gym where you hear
shit like that. Had a fat guy trying to do pull ups on a hanging bar and strugling. Other guy walked by and said
"I bet if you put a cheeseburger on the top of the bar you would get a few more reps" almost started a fight but
everyone was laughing too hard.
"air lats" I learned a new term. lol Asked the kid if he got beat up a lot. lol I love a good gym where you hear
shit like that. Had a fat guy trying to do pull ups on a hanging bar and strugling. Other guy walked by and said
"I bet if you put a cheeseburger on the top of the bar you would get a few more reps" almost started a fight but
everyone was laughing too hard.
Now thats damn funny, but I bet it would work.
Well I've taken all the advice and I'm not saying a word to him. If he wants to get hurt that's on him and his "trainer." I know it is a matter of time, but it is inevitable at this point. They have this kid so full of himself, wearing cut offs, wrestling shoes, mean mugging everyone so it is a lost cause. I don't have anything against wearing wrestling shoes, but he never did until he got around this idiot. It just goes to show how much he listens to this powerlifter. If he told him he'd be better to go by those shoes with the toes I'm sure he would be training in them tomorrow.