MuscleChemistry Sponsored Athlete
I just won the light heavy's and overall bodybuilding class and 2nd overall in classic physique at the 2017 NPC powerhouse classic this past weekend. I'm already back to work taking full advantage of this rebound. Morning of the show (Saturday) I weighed in at 181. After two meals with high carbs I weighed in at 185 before hitting the stage. After talking to my coach I decided to stick with classic physique for right now for Team U. I am 5'9.5 so I will be in the Class B class. Top Weight for that class is 192. After some cheat meals and other high clean carb meals I woke up this morning weighing 201. Of course a lot of it is water and some fat. I feel like a monster and already strong as an ox. Pumps are through the roof and it will only get better. I will be updating as much as I can and touching on almost every part of my prep and also answering any questions. I am 26 years old and have been competing since I was 19. If there are any young guys that need help with answering questions I am here for you. There is a lot of BS on the internet that can hurt you so if I can help you to avoid that I will! Couple pics from today's training session.