Looking best for vacation


New member
Ive got a vacation to Mexico in a about 2 months with some friends.
Im currently running a cycle of Test-P, Tren and Winny which will be finishing roughly around a week or so prior to my vacation.

Question is, I want to look great for this vacation, as ripped as possible. i know it cant be done overnight, but any tips are greatly appreciated.

Anything in particular to do during the vacation? Hit the gym up a few hours at the resort? Maybe do some intense dieting a week before the vacation?

Again, im all ears to suggestions
Well If Ur Done A Week Before Vacation Then Maybe U Can Manipulate Ur Water And Carbs Like U Were Getting Ready For A Show, It Would Ripp Ya Up For Sure,
Also If This Is Ur Option U Like Best Then Do A Site Search For Contest Prep Or Car Loading And U Will Find A Ton Of Ways To Do This From Those Who Compete,
Presser, thanks bro...

I guess thats a good idea, to look at it as if it was a contest prep

Keep em coming bro's

Doesnt have to be gear related only, all suggestions are welcome
Find you a nice Mexicano hottie and bang slam fuck her for a few hours the first night there... I promise your abs, veins, and labido will be in check for the rest of the trip! Ohhhh and yeah, bring back lots of cheap Mex. gear!!