loving this Jack3d stuff.


MuscleChemistry member
I can tell when I dont take it and when I do. It just gives me a contest energy level through out my whole workout. :sport:
STILL Waiting to try it.. HEARD IT BURNS FAT Like Ephedra does though.. WHICH IS EXCITING if it's true !! :D
jackd3d is pretty good, but I got use to pretty quick. 1 more rep by BPI is better in my OP. The shit has some major legs on it....:cardio:
Going to buy something new tommarow for my workouts ...Ive had the Jacked and it was good, No explode is good...superpump is ok....I'll let you guys know what I get tommarow...
I'm currently taking the new Grape Bubblegum flavor of Jack3d and mmmmmmmmmmmmm! I love the stuff though! Awesome energy, pumps, and everythhing else you'd want out of a pre workout supp.
Doesn't kill my stomach like noxplode either. I like that it doesn't have dyes too.
Stuff is awesome!! But Your body will get use to it after a while. I am up to about 4-5 scoops but if you don't take it for about a week and then jump back on it's just like day 1. I have found another use for it the is really mind blowing. I suffer with really bad headaches which turn into migrains and I have noticed when I have a bad headache I will take about 2 scoops and within minutes it is completely gone. I knocked out a migrain just last week that would have put me down all day and night but took 2 scoops and about 5 minutes later it was gone. My wife was having a bad headache one day and I convienced her to try it and she couldn't believe how quickly her headache was gone. Love this stuff!!!!
I love the stuff. I got some NO Explode at the Tampa Contest (a bunch of samples) andi decided to switch it up. I mixed 1 1/2 serving or NO Explode and felt nothing. Drank 2 servings of Endorush to get through my mediocre workout.
I have a hard time figuring out where the right dose is for me. Often times I'll be too damn shaky to do an exercise right. The bench is a perfect example: I'll be so shaky it will fuck my form up and I have to ease up on the weight.
I've only consistently taken it for like 3 weeks. I guess I will finish out this tub and then take a break from it.
Seriously?! Ok, nobody told me this... I'm going to buy this shit this weekend!!!

Yes.. the compound 1,3-dimethylamylamine the reason why it's caused an "INDUSTRY ALERT"

Here is an excerpt from an article titled

Synthetic Geranium Substance Raises Ephedra like Red Flags !!

"An article that appeared in Nutra Ingredients-USA this morning warns about potential FDA action and the illegal use of 1,3-dimethylamylamine in weight loss supplements. Popularized by industry figure Patrick Arnold (Ergopharm, Amp), dimethylamylamine is a moderate stimulant-based compound that appears to possess both lipolytic and mood altering effects. Many users have been reporting both notable fat loss and a pleasing effect on mental energy and state of mind. Over the past several years, dimethylamylamine containing supplements have become popular on the U.S. dietary supplement market. Arnold has always defended the sale of this substance based on the fact that it is an amino acid metabolite, and can be found naturally in geranium oil.The Nutra Ingredients article disagrees, claiming the supplement form is synthetic, and thus illegal for sale.

Dimethylamylamine products have been available over the counter for several years now, and we know of no solid FDA regulatory action having taken place against them. Though the ingredient hasn’t been shy of controversy, including a feature article warning about its potential dangers in the Washington Post a couple of years ago. The dangers never seemed to materialize, however, nor FDA action, so it is difficult to know what to make of this report. It does seem to be trigging an industry response though, and we hear talk that distributors may be dropping dimethylamylamine products unless they can be better substantiated as natural. Manufacturers should be on alert for potential marketing and regulatory issues with this ingredient."
1MR by BPI is pretty good stuff...Im impressed by it...Got some crazy intense energy...Dont use more than 1 serving...
jacked by itself, even two scoops, dont feel shit.

superpump by itself is ok.

my find...1scoop of each is the bomb. and im not acclimating to it. everytime it hits hard.