I’m 56 years old and I’m 248 lbs
I’m looking to get healthier and get to improved blood pressure and glucose numbers
currently my blood pressure is 10 to 20.s above where it should be in my glucose numbers are in the 110s and I would like to get it down into the 80s or 90s.
Going to be using an improved diet and also exercising more often
I’ve read promising things about using lgd4033 and gw501516.
Would 10mgs of each per day be good or is that too low and a waste?
I’m looking to get healthier and get to improved blood pressure and glucose numbers
currently my blood pressure is 10 to 20.s above where it should be in my glucose numbers are in the 110s and I would like to get it down into the 80s or 90s.
Going to be using an improved diet and also exercising more often
I’ve read promising things about using lgd4033 and gw501516.
Would 10mgs of each per day be good or is that too low and a waste?