LR3IGF-I + GH -- Synergistic?

Also You Realy Should Copy Your Post Gymbound And Make A New Thread, You Will Get Loads Nmore Perspective And Idea On How To Run Those Items, As This Threads Title Has Nothing To Do With What Ur Asking So Alot Of Guys May Not See Ur Question Bro,
Good, but dont combine T3 and Humalog. Together they are counterproductive. I cannot tell you why, I read it on several forums.
I doubt you would even need T3 if you are already on HGH and IGF. That's probably overkill IMO.
hgh slows down your natural t3 production thast the reason for addin it to a long hgh cycle
hgh igf1

currently using hgh at4 iu aday split am pm,igf1 at 80 mcgs after workout,t4 am and ghrp6 200 mcgs thru out the day. go to anthony roberts web site on the t/3 t/4 debate, this is working great between cycles, staying strong ,keeping lean muscle,joints feel great.:wave:
pumpnpose1 said:
currently using hgh at4 iu aday split am pm,igf1 at 80 mcgs after workout,t4 am and ghrp6 200 mcgs thru out the day. go to anthony roberts web site on the t/3 t/4 debate, this is working great between cycles, staying strong ,keeping lean muscle,joints feel great.:wave:

Bump for more feedback on this. Do you guys use T3 during the GH cycles, or afterwards?