Lurker Newbie saying hello


New member
I guess it's time to come out of the "lurker" status.
I've been a lurker for quite a while, since the "zip lip" email days (forgot my old user name). Anyways, I'm now 27, going through separation possibly divorce, and need to get my ass back into shape. I'm 6' 210 lbs, and probably about 17-20% body fat (was 255 lbs about 4 months a ago).

So here is my Short term goal: 200 lbs, 10%, and hella strong.

I go to the gym everyday (weigh training with mod cardio every other day) and I eat pretty clean (cave man diet), and will be running a half marathon for giggles next week. Anyways, I'm ready to take the aas plunge... I'm debating between depots and oral. Any help and/or guidance would be appreciated.
I trained regularly from 17-21, then life happened and got fat. From 21-27, I trained sporadically but I've been training religiously for the last 6 months. I'm definitely feeling the effects of getting older (not recovering as fast, aches and pain lol..)
welcome aboard and most of all welcome back to the gym! 6'0 and 210 is a nice frame to mold. Hit it hard
welcome bro, and you said your feeling the effects of getting older now and ur only 27 yrs old,lmao, those were my best years bro! You should feel invincable at 27 brutha!

anyways welcome bro, u have come to the right place for advice
Welcome, meow. I'm 6' also and hoping to reach 200 pounds, but I'm coming from the other direction. I'm around 165 now and hoping to begin my first cycle soon. You said you were ready to take the this your first cycle also?
Yes this would be my first cycle. Messed around with andros when I was 20 or so and remembered stopping because of itchy nipples. So is long ester test depot the way to go for a first cycle?
What kind of a gay screen name is "meow" LOL?

And don't even think about bringing up the pot calling the kettle black
Meow, NAIR is our gaydar operator. If you want to see him go ballistic, just post some Kai Greene posing videos.
Gaylord Focker and I live somewhere over the rainbow...but that doesn't make me gay!

Any one else notice Tom Brady isn't cute anymore? That hair is just a mess, he better stop that
What kind of a gay screen name is "meow" LOL?

And don't even think about bringing up the pot calling the kettle black

yeah what kind of gay name is "Nair" anyways? lmao, nair nair nair, isnt that a female hair remover,lol, Fag!

and "Meow" man dont listen to anything nair says , he is still in the closet himself
yeah what kind of gay name is "Nair" anyways? lmao, nair nair nair, isnt that a female hair remover,lol, Fag!

and "Meow" man dont listen to anything nair says , he is still in the closet himself

You know what's so funny about this statement is it implies that "Meow" is gay lol. 'Himself' in this context is synonymous with 'also.'

Quit calling the new members gay, presser.
purrr... No, I love to destroy the poonani ™ when ever I get the chance. Got two kids to prove it.
No not the kids between my legs. Feels like I have to cover all the bases round here.
Hey meow, you never got much advice...when I joined here the guys advised me to start with a simple test e or test c cycle to see how my body responds. Also, I've read in some of the posts that it's best to start that way to see how you react to test before adding any anabolics. If you start with too much and have a bad reaction, you don't know what is causing the reaction. So, I've got my order in for some test e and will start my first cycle as soon as I get it. Good luck!

New here- just a lurker I guess.
My question is- on what basis does one choose test E over test C, or visa versa?