M1T and 1 test cyp?


New member
i would like to hear from people who have used methyl 1 test and/or the new 1 test cyp. - results, sides, etc. Any info will be greatly appreciated. thanks.


results are likable ! i loved them , but the sides were the harshest again , horrible lethargy , excessive pumps making it hard to train in the gym , reduced strength actually ! due to the pumps , but i put on weight ,so thats what matters i guess . also , had problems with prostrate during this time , which went away upon discontinuation .
I've used 1-test cyp with very good results. Dry lean mass and strength gains, with no sides to speak of. However, it is quite supressive.
I have just started a cycle which includes 15 mg/day Methyl 1-test. I'm not sure if it is the cause, but my blood pressure was 170/105 last night and I normally don't have high BP.
old guy , try some dandellion root , 3 caps a day with meals . the lower number is higher than it should be , holding water probably , try that and see .
thanks for the replies fellas...

Raybravo... you didn't say which one you used... im assuming m1t? how long were you on before the prostate problems? hope all is well now... prostate problems suck!

Oldguy... please keep us updated on the cycle and bp changes. how did the cyp compare to reg test???

any one else use 1 test cyp?????


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wings said:
thanks for the replies fellas...

Raybravo... you didn't say which one you used... im assuming m1t? how long were you on before the prostate problems? hope all is well now... prostate problems suck!

Oldguy... please keep us updated on the cycle and bp changes. how did the cyp compare to reg test???

any one else use 1 test cyp?????


i used m1t , and yeah , the prostrate probs went away after a while i quit the compound bro . i was on it for 4 weeks .
wings said:
thanks for the replies fellas...

Raybravo... you didn't say which one you used... im assuming m1t? how long were you on before the prostate problems? hope all is well now... prostate problems suck!

Oldguy... please keep us updated on the cycle and bp changes. how did the cyp compare to reg test???

any one else use 1 test cyp?????



Its not really comparable to test. Totally different compound.
I got lean gains and lost b/f when eating around maintenance cals and low/moderate carbs.
1-test cyp

About 1 1/2 months on 1-test cyp @ 300mg EOD. Started it with Tren, Winny. The Tren seems to inhibit its results. I don’t know why? But the results are better without tren.

NO Water! Its slowly changing the way I look in an awesome way!

Gains are that of an anabolic not androgenic.

Im not gaining weight but I look bigger, and much leaner!

Vascularity is just below that of Equipoise.

Strength is increasing pretty fast, but the impressive part is that it’s consistent even after 6weeks. Its not magic like test suspension, but every week If I repeat an exercise, I can do more reps of the same weight.

To compare it to others,
Its like test with Femara, but a little less androgenic. Although I’m just now starting to get moody. But that’s probably the winny, which I’m extremely sensitive too.

Its like Primo, but seems more powerful, although I’ve never taken a gram of primo a week.....That would be sweet!

Compared to EQ, Its WAY WAY Nicer to the Skin....I grow body hair like crazy from EQ. Its Probably the next best thing for vascularity compared to EQ as well. (EQ's still a bit better)

Side effects.....None..... Although I've been tired a lot which I believe can be attributed to lack of androgenic effects. Also, my appetite has not been that great.

This is seriously my new favorite. But then I hate anything that gets me big overnight too.
I have blood work from before but am going to weight a little longer to get the during results..
allright! now were getting somewhere!!!

Chuckazulu - thanks for the link. congrats on the great results!
the note about no more chronic joint pain really caught my eye... my joints allways ache in the am - especially when its this friggin cold!!!!

Beefy - sweet post bro... thats exactly what i was looking for!!!

sounds like m1t would be good in a bulker and the cyp version should work quite nicely during the summer...

thanks again fellas.


To combat lathargy with both M1T and 1 test cyp. Most people I have talked to use 4-ad with M1T and 4-ad cyp with 1 Test cyp. It also helps with loss of sex drive.
This is good info, got me thinking that 1-cyp may be a better option for pre-contest? yes? no?