M1T for a 60 Year Old?


New member
Guys.A friend who is 60 Years old but looks 40 wants to do some M1t.He'd probably rather do Test Cyp etc. but M1t is legal and thats why he would rather do that than Inj. test.Is this bad for him to do in your opinion.I dont want to kill the old bugger....
LOL, I dunno man, but that's funny.

Someone else is gonna have to field this one.

I'd suggest trying a low dose at first to see how he responds to it if you or he is that worried. That would be a safe way to find out.
He is in great shape and runs and lifts 4-5 days a week BTW.Also.will M1t increase his sex drive like test?Im not kiddin this guy bangs more quiff than all of us. LOL
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Well I'm going to have to say a big don't do M1T
go with some test ethante or cypionate weekly injections.

If your worried about the legality I don't think you would have any problem getting a doc to put you on hormone replacement therapy that usually consists of weekly testosterone.

The reason I shoot down M1T in this case is nothing has shrunk my balls and shut me down like M1T has, I'm pretty sexually active and on M1T I cannot get a hard on.

However on Test Eth I can bang em like a marathon.
I'd probably though in clomid to prevent a total nut shut down but be sure and wear a rubber or pull out if your taking clomid due to the increased spermatogenesis (more active sperm) you won't get the birth control effect of testosterone inj. if your taking clomid.