M1T users.....


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
M1T users....and competitors...

For those with experience was there any noticeable bloat or water retention when using MiT?
I ask this because I am wondering how effective it would be for the final couple weeks of contest prep when I drop the prop and also try to cut down on any injections.

Also, Skip /Randy/ DPsquat, what are your opinions on this?

there is no bloat or water retention. it cant aromatize into estrogen. i think it would be great for contest prep.
I would say that their is water retention. I gained 8 pounds in 9 days from 20mg per day. The next week I went to 40mg per day but saw no real difference. The second week I gained 5 pounds. When I went off I lost about 4 pounds but noticed no decrease in my strength. The lost had to be water. It is because of that I believe that some water retention does occur.



I think that 20mg per day is enough. Maybe even 10mg per day if you are smaller. I weigh 247 now.
tenn0titan said:
I would say that their is water retention. I gained 8 pounds in 9 days from 20mg per day. The next week I went to 40mg per day but saw no real difference. The second week I gained 5 pounds. When I went off I lost about 4 pounds but noticed no decrease in my strength. The lost had to be water. It is because of that I believe that some water retention does occur.



I think that 20mg per day is enough. Maybe even 10mg per day if you are smaller. I weigh 247 now.

thanks for the info
I think there is some water rentention. I started CKD the same day I started methyl-1-test. 4 days later I was down about 4lbs, about 3 days after that I was back about 6lbs.

Start of CKD/Methyl-1-Test: 240
4 days after start: 236
7 days after start: 242

You cant gain muscle that fast, especially if your dieting..no matter what roid you use. Its does put on some water, probably through non ER means.
some bloat when i used it , maybe increased level of aldosterone , or maybe it was just becos of all the carbs i was eating cos i used it during a bulking phase ...either way , i'd not try it during the ending stages of contest prep , the lethargy is too much without it anyway , add m1t and u have to stay in bed all day !
homonunculus said:
I can't really say i know enough about either to give much input. Why not just keep test levels up using test?...


This is my thinking, also.

Plus, you don't want to go putting anything into your last couple weeks of prep unless you are DAMNED sure that it is going to work and work well.

I would leave it out just to be safe.

yes you guys are right, (don't know what I am thinking, must be the lo-carb effect on my brain already), it is foolish to try experimenting with something new at that point in the game. I'll stick with what has worked for me in the past! Thanks.