

New member
I was thinking about taking M1T, tren and dbol. Will the M1T be an effective substitute for enanthate?
i wouldn't use it instead of test, now instead of dbol maybe. Use regular test with that fina, but you could use M!t in the begining if you wanted.
amra65 said:
I was thinking about taking M1T, tren and dbol. Will the M1T be an effective substitute for enanthate?

M1T is typically used as a substitute for D-Bol but not any kind of injectable Test.

I'd just run the M1T & Tren if that's what you've got and save the D-Bol for later when you get some different gear.
Bump M1t is NOT a replacement for any injectable gear use it as you would use D-bol, to kickstart a cycle.
Thanks for the advice. I am planning on taking 20 mg of M1T but I'm curious about how much Tren Ace I should be taking. I'm waiting on some enanthate and as soon as that gets here i will add that too.
First off have you ever used M1t before? If not you'll want to assess your tolerance because the sides can be a bitch, lethargy ESPECIALLY. Also before anyone suggests doses we can help you out alot better if we know your weight, diet and cycle history :).
Right now I in football season (semi-pro). Most of my AS experience has been with Test (cyp & enanth), EQ, Deca, Winny and dbol. (Not all at the same time ofcourse).
Doing some research I was led to believe that tren is a fairly safe AS. Its gains are small but will stay with you after you stop.
I guess I am looking for some lean mass and strength. I just thought the M1t would be a good oral to use with it.

My stats are:
BF: 18% (educated guess)

Goal: I would like to put on 7 - 12 lbs are lean mass.

Thanks to everybody thats helping me out, I am a newbie when it comes to certain compounds.
If i were you i'd work on getting leaner, a stack of Test, Tren and Winny/Anavar would be good. Get leaner and stronger at the same time.
I'd opt for the var considering Winny's effects on the joints. BUT since you mentioned you play football and your goal could very well be just straight bulk, i'd say Test Enthanate and Tren for 8 weeks would work well.

Test 600mg weeks 1-8
Tren 75mg e.o.d weeks 1-8