MadCHemist Getting Ripped


New member
yo guys i finally started my cutting

50mg winny eod
100mg prop ed
400mg eq/week
40mg DL anavar ed
40mcg T3
i will add fina as soon as i recieve my filter.

from 218lbs
i am down to 208lbs in 3days
i lost a lot of water from dbol. i am looking pretty mad rite now.
i will post some pix as soon as i finish the cycle.

my diet is good

all i eat is

chicken breast with veggies
and shakes.

i wanna get down to 8% and stay there. then i wanna do bulking but slowly with primo, prop, deca.
Those 8 lbs are mostly water, but you have a good cutting plan there. With the T3, make sure you eat at least 330 G of protein/day. Don't worry about the calories as long as what you put in good. If you don't take in enough protein and continue training hard and heavy to stimulate muscle growth (which by the way can't happen if you are on a cutting diet), the weight you will lose will be more muscle than fat. You are going to lose muscle no matter what you do, but the trick is to minimize that with the right dieting, training, recovery...oh, and of course GEAR!
That's great, madchemist...Can't wait to see your more recent pictures after the cycle...:) Keep up the good work!!
mailboxkillR said:
still got an edge on ya bro barely though 6.0 210 13.9% damn age is killing me 38.

LOL, yah i got the age benefit. but one day i will be your shoes.
i still give u mad props for the stats at that age.
babysiren said:

How would that be accomplished? LOL :)

Just KEEP in TOUch BABY. I luv teasing so its not going to be that easy to watch me topless. LOL. i have already taken some pix. but i am waiting until i loose more body fat. cuz i hate for people to see me progress. so i will post a super ugly pic of me along with a mad HOTHOTHOTHOT picture. So it will be like a MADHOT surprise.

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