Malware Monday?

Essentially a virus of sorts infected thousands of computers. As far as I know the "virus" changes one of the infected computers network settings - the dns server to one that they control. A dns server is what converts domain names to ip addresses in order to route the requests to the correct end point networks. I.E. when you go to your computer sends a request to the dns server to convert to a ip address and routes the traffic to the ip it returns. The reason why these hackers did this is so they can have their dns servers return addresses pointing to their own servers without the user knowing. Like if an infected user went to, but really ended up at an attackers server they could unknowingly give them their banking login or account data and not even know it. It's a very crude form of a virus/malware yet very effective.
Essentially a virus of sorts infected thousands of computers. As far as I know the "virus" changes one of the infected computers network settings - the dns server to one that they control. A dns server is what converts domain names to ip addresses in order to route the requests to the correct end point networks. I.E. when you go to your computer sends a request to the dns server to convert to a ip address and routes the traffic to the ip it returns. The reason why these hackers did this is so they can have their dns servers return addresses pointing to their own servers without the user knowing. Like if an infected user went to, but really ended up at an attackers server they could unknowingly give them their banking login or account data and not even know it. It's a very crude form of a virus/malware yet very effective.

I can sort of understand that lol