Man pukes purposely on young girl at Philly's game


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I attached a pic of the fat little fuckin piece of shit that did it. Looks like the dad smoked him in the eye before it was over with lol.

seriously what the fuck is wrong with people. This off duty cop takes his girls to see a phillie game and the guy sticks his finger down his throat on purpose and pukes all over his little girl. Fucking sick shit. He got like 6 charges on it though though his bail isnt very high.

21-year-old Clemmens allegedly upset after companion kicked out of game
updated 6:47 a.m. MT, Fri., April 16, 2010

PHILADELPHIA - A New Jersey man is facing charges after police say he intentionally vomited on an 11-year-old girl and her father in the stands during a Phillies game.
Twenty-one-year-old Matthew Clemmens, of Cherry Hill, N.J., was arraigned Friday on charges stemming from his behavior at Wednesday night's Phillies-Nationals game.
Police say Clemmens made himself vomit on an off-duty police captain and his daughter after a companion was kicked out for unruly behavior.
Easton police Capt. Michael Vangelo says he saw Clemmens put his fingers down his throat. Philadelphia police say Clemmens also punched Vangelo and vomited on an arresting officer.
Clemmens is in custody on charges including assault and harassment. Bail is $12,000. His listed phone number is disconnected.
In this photo released by the Philadelphia police department, Matthew Clemmens is seen.
I would've beat the fuck out of that guy, especially after he hit me... bitch would've died on the spot.
If he did that to anyone in my family hed be dead im with you there dude sick sick fucks.
i have a daughter that age and i would really hurt someone BAD if they pulled that shit
Figures it was a PHILLY Fan! We have an awful repuation as it is and this is the reason why, we were also the first stadium to have a jail and a court system set up in the stadium, so whats that tell ya about the city of brotherly love
Figures it was a PHILLY Fan! We have an awful repuation as it is and this is the reason why, we were also the first stadium to have a jail and a court system set up in the stadium, so whats that tell ya about the city of brotherly love


what a douche :moon:
What a little fucknut... that's worse than spitting on someone!

ummm way worse,lol, not even comparable, I would have beat that little fat fuck into a COMA! My daughter is 12 yrs old and if that happened to her or my wife, I know for a fact I would have BLACKED THE FUCK OUT ON HIM I KNOW I WOULD HAVE TRYED TO PICK HIM UP AND HURL HIM DOWN TO THE BOTTOM LEVEL
ummm way worse,lol, not even comparable, I would have beat that little fat fuck into a COMA! My daughter is 12 yrs old and if that happened to her or my wife, I know for a fact I would have BLACKED THE FUCK OUT ON HIM I KNOW I WOULD HAVE TRYED TO PICK HIM UP AND HURL HIM DOWN TO THE BOTTOM LEVEL

LOL, I'm just saying... having someone spit on me was like the utmost sign of disrespect and I wanted to deck them. This is just like un-friggin-believable!!

And if someone did that to someone you love, they would be pretty fxcking stupid.

I didn't know you had a daughter! When she starts dating, you're gonna scare all the boys away!! lol How many kids??
LOL, I'm just saying... having someone spit on me was like the utmost sign of disrespect and I wanted to deck them. This is just like un-friggin-believable!!

And if someone did that to someone you love, they would be pretty fxcking stupid.

I didn't know you had a daughter! When she starts dating, you're gonna scare all the boys away!! lol How many kids??

Just one kid from a previous relationship, wife and I want kids now also though, so I hope to have another baby soon as possible
had a guy spit on me once when I was a bouncer-I put my thumb in his eye... and when the cops showed up they backed me 100%

fuckin asshole
Just one kid from a previous relationship, wife and I want kids now also though, so I hope to have another baby soon as possible

you're gonna have to keep your berries out of that coffin you call a speedo if you plan on having anymore.
What an asshat!! What kinda person thinks that shit up? I mean, if the dude was so pissed of because of his buddy, why didn't he just start a fight with another guy? What fat pussy!!!