Marine petetion please read and sign!


New member
this was sent to me by strider and asked to sign it. he is a former marine and asked if i would sign it for the soldier life hangs in the balance.
I know some may not agree but its well worth it after what he said to me to sign this.
" a soldier knows no fear and protects the freedoms we all enjoy, when the rules of engagement change and there are no rules, its gonna be him or me, and i have a promise to keep to my friends and family, the enemy will suffer any fate i see fit in the heat of combat" quoted from an email from strider.

please all if you will sign this and comment about it if you do not agree move on and dont sign it, what if you were him what would you do and if you life hung in the balance would you want support for doing what u had to?

ChuckaZulu said:

As a Vet I understand and support the Marines actions.
spoken like a soldier....there will always be a fight for life, liberty and the persuit of happiness. With out those of us who have served our country in peace time and durring conflict others might not have the choices to do so as they please. Once more an armed forces member let alone a Marine becomes the target of media in order to draw the public opinion to more negative conclusions about our involvement in foreign affairs....would any one question his actions had this happened on American soil should that situation ever arise...I think not.
thank you bro's and i know he appreciates it as well. I agree with all of you. war is war and there is no fairness and no rules to follow, u dont control who lives and who dies, then leave him be for wanting to protect himself and do what he was trained to do. I was never a marine but to know one like my boy and a gunnery seargeant as well, i respect them more and more everyday.
Its fucked up the way the government will turn on if ur caught on cam doing anything foreigners dont like. Fucked up shit, we send them over to do a tough job that nobody else will do and then bitch about how they do it. He did the right thing, cant take chances, that iraqi guy could have stayed home. thats war. What do u expect I'd have shot him too.
War, after all, is an accepted form of insanity practiced intermittently and with some pride by all humans. Thats all I have to say on that!

Thank you for supporting him it means alot from a former marine...semper fi!

Thanks for posting this bro!
Sure why not, I'll help the jarhead. From one vet Army LT.

If it were me I would have shot the camera that held the film, by accident of course.
my good friend will be sent to that shit hole in january! i want him to be able to protect himself with out fear of punishment!!

I will never understand why people criticize the actions of someone who is protecting people and risking their own life.
I am also a vet, this is my 3rd tour and now serving overseas in the dessert, i really cant way where in the dessert but you guys have a basic idea.

Nobody understand battle like we live it, only those that are next to you in the heat of the moment know the truth. We only have each other to protect and defend because at the end, each other is all we have.

Why do others criticize our actions when they dont know wtf they are talking about, when in fact they have NEVER been in combat action, served their country with honor, lost one of his combat partners in action, or taken a life of another human being. Media tends to sensationalize war, but the truth is that the media does not portray everything like it suppose to be. Media tends to stretch the truth. One thing that i will say, truthfully is that for EVERY soldier, marine, navy, air force personnel that the insurgents/terrorist kill we in return kill thousands of them by the day. Iraq has been one of the biggest mistakes that our country has done since vietnam, however we soldiers overlook that and do our service with honor and pride.


De oppesso liber!!!