Mark Podgorny 2 weeks out from "NPC North America" Video


Staff member
I apologize for the video as it not great quality due to my Video Camera broke so we used the camera video option.


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Hes got a great set of calves for sure. I hope he does well. Are you training him Presser are or you guys just "tight?"
Again sorry for the quality, and lack of pictures for two weeks out, our video camera broke and our camera only hold so many pics along with video.

Ofcourse no shots of marks backside came out, and thats the area you all were watching to see if he brought it in more, you can tell from the video though that he did tighten up the glutes between week 3 and this week (2) . I could actualy start to see some striations starting to pop through, I think he is going to realy look good come show time!
Hes got a great set of calves for sure. I hope he does well. Are you training him Presser are or you guys just "tight?"

Just friends brutha! MuscleChemistry is sponsoring him so he wears our cloths and has anouncer mention us at night show and we help pay his show fees, travel and room and board. A WIN WIN situation for everybody involved!
He looks really, really good...

I think come showtime he will really be impressive !!!
tonight we get the last week til show pics, ill have them posted hopefuylly later tonight
Bump - to the top !!!

Remember guys to support TEAM MC !!!

Wishing Mark all the best at North Americans

I talked to him 2 nights ago and he was sitting at 217.He is thinking about coming in at 207ish.I asked why not suck down to 198 he replyed it's been too hard putting those 8lbs of muscle on to waste them.
I say f the scale just keep commin and let the chip fall.
All the best,wish I was gonna be there.
Presser, Mark looks great and has made great improvments in the past couple of weeks he will be def. ready and peaking at that show! Bro he is right there.
those calfs are NO JOKE ..jesus..

he looks great man, i wish him the best of luck in the weeks to come !!!
Just saw some pic's from weight-ins.......His back looks smaller this year than last,not sure what he did but he needs to work on that.
From the pic's the class looks wide open.
Wish him luck.
Just saw some pic's from weight-ins.......His back looks smaller this year than last,not sure what he did but he needs to work on that.
From the pic's the class looks wide open.
Wish him luck.

do u know or what he weighed in at? last i hear he was 204 before carbing up