Mass Builder order


New member
First I wanted to say I am not a rep or nor did I receive anything for this review. I just believe in giving credit where credit is due. Wanted to say these guys are top notch on service and delivery. I have yet to start my treats but I will log my progress once I do. If the gear matches the service everything will be just fine.
everyone i know says the same thing and i know for a fact that the product is just as good as the service.

I have heard only good things so I am excited to give them a try I will start with a simple test e and D bol. I hope they add on some Mast e to there line I love that stuff and some proviron
I tried placing an order but once sent funds and sent order the funds just day there for a week... I even pm'd a rep with no response. Kinda sucks cause I really wanted to try. Pulled my funds back after a week or so since I was worried about the big busy that went down earlier... Still willing to give them another shot if all is back up to speed but now I'm having to wait on another order from a bro and its gonna be a couple weeks. I totally need 1 vial of test too as I messed up and thought I had more when I started this last cycle. Now I can feel my test dropping feel like horse diarrhea lol my own fault I guess :/

I'd love to at least get some rest from these guys since their t/a time send quick. Mbp you still alive?!?
Just sent one yesterday. Got a quick reply back... Just awaiting further response at this time. I understand things can get mixed up. I will update as things progress
Just sent one yesterday. Got a quick reply back... Just awaiting further response at this time. I understand things can get mixed up. I will update as things progress
From my experience he will make it rite

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MB is a quality lab, if anything it might be over dosed. Their gear is as good as their customer service, never had any issues getting a hold, placing an order and receiving package all within a week. I've been only using their gear the about four months now and couldn't be happier with results. Have a few buddies who really like their gear as well. You cant beat their prices with free shipping and quality gear, so give them a try even if its only two bottles, there is no minimum so try it for yourself, tell him eswol sent you.
MB is a quality lab, if anything it might be over dosed. Their gear is as good as their customer service, never had any issues getting a hold, placing an order and receiving package all within a week. I've been only using their gear the about four months now and couldn't be happier with results. Have a few buddies who really like their gear as well. You cant beat their prices with free shipping and quality gear, so give them a try even if its only two bottles, there is no minimum so try it for yourself, tell him eswol sent you.

That seems to be the common consensus. I reallllly wanted and still want to give them a run but their communication with me has been just flat out bad. 3+ weeks and several emails haven't gotten me any where. I may shoot you a PM eswol.