MASS-TECH... Help me get big?


New member
I just bought this item and i was wondering what the correct way to using this is..
Im a newbie on this site and a newbie to building up some MASS....
Im 19 and i weigh 155

Peoples been given me different way to take it, im afraid that if i take in wrong it would be worthless and a waste...
So could you guys help me out???

What can i do 2 get big, BIG FAST

Thanks peeps
Damn, MuscleTech got ya. If I can tell you one thing and only one thing in order for you to make fast and efficient progress it is this. If you want to get the results you desire you are going to have to consistently eat 6-8 meals per day, and keep these clean. What I mean is lots of eggs, chicken, fish, beef, protein shakes, fruit, vegetables, baked potatoes, rice, whole grains, oats, sweet potatoes, nuts, and flax (and/or) fish (and/or) olive oils. Stay away from sugary beverages like juices, sodas, and sport drinks. Consume lots of water and other diet beverages. Train 3-4 days per week and try to get enough rest and relaxtion out of the gym. Yeah, the product you have is ok, but it really isn't the answer to getting big fast although you can use it as one of your 6-8 meals per day. Hope this helps.
Very good, make that a great answer. Except for the juices. I like them for post workout or when I'm carbloading a meal. Grape juice is great.
Hey, thanks for the reply back.. Imma follow the advice you gave me right away.

Oh, do i drink the tech before or after a hard workout?? What do you guys recommend on using to get big, you know without any defects of anypart of your body...

Thanks again~~
yeah pounds of food = pounds of bodyweight its that simple

Then if you want to add weights and roids more of that weight will be muscle, ect.

But to add weight you have to eat weight.

6-8 meals a day lots of carbs and protein try to keep your sodium intake low and lots of calories and you will add weight.