Masteron Or Halotestin


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I want to ad something to pre-contest stack of winny/tren/prop.
T3, ill be using this gear for 6 weeks. what would be better
here masteron or halotestin? i'll probably continue the big 3
for longer maybe 8-10 weeks but my show will be at the end of the 6th week, it just worked out that way.
Never done neither of them so I can't give you any feedback. IMO, your winny/prop/tren should be sufficient and great for your cutting. Not sure if you want to throw in masteron or halo into the mix.
Halotestin will indeed make you hard, but you must understand that this is the leading drug for roid rage.

I find that Masteron is more tolerable and will give you the desired effects.

Watch the test propionate as it will hold water, you may want to delete it before the contest
roid rage is good precontest, shit i have eaten a competitor back stage for my carb up,lol

LOL, actually yup you are right...bro if you can handle the rage and you do need controlled rage to keep pounding the weights up to the contest then the choice is HALOTESTIN.
Definitely halotestin. At 2.5 mgs each you'd want to shoot for about 20mgs per day (or 8 tabs) but b/c of the 1/2 life you'll want to take that in 4 dosages (or 2 tabs 4x @ every 3-4hrs) throughout the day.

Don't worry about the roid long as you have a wife, children or an animal to beat up you'll be fine. No just joking! We'll kick your ass if you do that esp if it's the animal!! If you've experienced the agression before then you can handle the psychological part to your advantage in the gym and make your wkouts more intense when it matters most.

Also, be sure to either drink cranberry (or take lots of cranberry extract tabs) along with milk thistle and/or liv52 and of course your daily 1-2 gallons of water to keep liver and kidneys okay from the tabs, tren and the winny (since even the inj is toxic to liver but a lesser extent). Clear piss is a good indicator.

Test prop should be fine all the way to the end. It aromatizes the least out of all test's but just in case you may want to cease near the last week out or run some nolva along till' the end.

Sounds like a good pre-contest cycle though. Good luck and keep us posted.
i know this shit is old, im looking for information on masteron and when you guys cut it out before a show, member was just asking about it, i said tren ace or tren hex straight through show, and i know alot of guys do the masterone through show, but was looking and this thread aint telling me shit lol
Never used halo but mast cuts me up like nothing else. Take both, masteron is extremely low on side effects even at 600-800mg.
No way.... you guys are nuts MASTERON... MASTERON... MASTERON... aside from my opinion that it is the greatest steroid known to man... you are more likely to get legit Masteron than you are legit Halo... did I say MASTERON???
No way.... you guys are nuts MASTERON... MASTERON... MASTERON... aside from my opinion that it is the greatest steroid known to man... you are more likely to get legit Masteron than you are legit Halo... did I say MASTERON???
Tell us how you really feel, Dude! Lol

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the question for me though was when do guys stop masteron or how long before their show do they stop, or do they run it straight through the show?

It was another thread and i suggested he take tren hex straight through the show, as myself and many have done, but i never used masteron, never needed to, but i didnt wanna give him advice on shit i never used

so when do u stop masteron before your bodybuilding show, or do u stay on it
the question for me though was when do guys stop masteron or how long before their show do they stop, or do they run it straight through the show?

It was another thread and i suggested he take tren hex straight through the show, as myself and many have done, but i never used masteron, never needed to, but i didnt wanna give him advice on shit i never used

so when do u stop masteron before your bodybuilding show, or do u stay on it

i can't comment on bodybuilding shows but I've run masteron propionate through fights and never had any issues. Other steroids such as test prop I would drop a week out to cut weight. I actually found masteron helped the weight cutting process but I'd drop my dose from 525 to 350 per week