Masteron P vs Masteron E?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Just like the title, who has ran both, and did you notice a big difference positive or negative? I am going to be coming off a low dose 100mg eod prop cycle for about 16 weeks, still a month left. Going to cruise for a while, then blast again, but instead of using prop again I was thinking of just bumping Test E up to around 500 to 600 my normal comfortable dose. I would like to incorporate Masteron into this cycle possibly since I have never ran it, I will be pretty lean when starting, I was thinking Mast E would be better for less pinning, but hard to find anyone that has ran both esters, just curious if anyone here has and what you thought of both.
ive been thinking about running mast E this summer if i can get bf% down
I have heard from numerous people that even up to 15% will notice hardening, well being, libido, dryer look as well, so it may be worth taking a chance on it. I think I am, I am swaying towards the Enth just because of less pinning, and I can get it in a higher mg so its a win win. Still debating if I want to. How long do people normally run the E? I would assume normal 10 to 12 weeks.
I have heard from numerous people that even up to 15% will notice hardening, well being, libido, dryer look as well, so it may be worth taking a chance on it. I think I am, I am swaying towards the Enth just because of less pinning, and I can get it in a higher mg so its a win win. Still debating if I want to. How long do people normally run the E? I would assume normal 10 to 12 weeks.
yea ive heard up to 16 at lower dosage for the positive sides
Gotcha, yeah I think since im only running 100eod of prop I'm gonna cruise for about 8 to 10 weeks, then get back on at around 500 or 600 test E per week and Mast about 4 to 500 per week. Nice mild cycle to put on a little more LBM and really shred for the summer. Waiting to order some long ester test, might just drop my dose down to 50mg eod on the prop and use that for a cruise until I get my long esters in.
I have heard from numerous people that even up to 15% will notice hardening, well being, libido, dryer look as well, so it may be worth taking a chance on it. I think I am, I am swaying towards the Enth just because of less pinning, and I can get it in a higher mg so its a win win. Still debating if I want to. How long do people normally run the E? I would assume normal 10 to 12 weeks.

15% what? im lost sorry lol,
Winny will do the same thing correct? Im basing this on price as well..I used EQ/ winny combo and loved it, much cheaper. So whats the thought behind this?
Is it to harden or look harder and dense? Share with me bro, im confused
Winny will do the same thing correct? Im basing this on price as well..I used EQ/ winny combo and loved it, much cheaper. So whats the thought behind this?
Is it to harden or look harder and dense? Share with me bro, im confused

From just about everyone I hear run it says it basically does what Winny does, without the joint pain, and hepatoxicity, I have read being a DHT it can cause some concerns on cholesterol so that is something I will have to monitor.

I have never ran Winny or Mast as a cutter, normally just test and dieting, I kinda want to branch out, awesome sense of well being, crazy enhanced sex drive, hardening, fat loss etc. I have a while and am still debating, but with my knees as bad as they are I am going to stay the hell away from Winny.

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15% what? im lost sorry lol,

15% body fat, for the longest time people would say that you need to be sub 10% body fat to see really any benefits from Masteron, lately more and more are saying that even as high as 15% they loved what it did, helped them drop some stubborn fat, gave them that dry hard look and kept water weight down to zilch. I'm probably going to add something to my Test cycle next so im thinking Masteron or NPP have not quite decided yet. This will be another cutter to really get the ol body fat down into the single digits. Havent done that in probably 8 years so I'm pretty stoked lol.
oh my bad, yeah i wasn't getting it sorry lol, and yeah i always heard you need to be or should be under 10% to real see the effects, but again never used it lol,
Thanks bro, I used NPP/Deca and never had joint issues, when I ran EQ alone with winny I sub'd MSN/Glucosamine when I was on winny, honestly never had any joint issues and I have bad joints as well.

I cant get single digits on my size without crazy dieting, honestly im not competing and I live where its cold so some Bf is good. If your in that position to have sex a lot then hell yeah the sex drive is a good thing, well-being, and no joint soreness..hmmm I may look into it but honestly price is what kills me on that decision.
Thanks for the info bro.
I've been debating the same thing. I chose the mast e due to less pinning. Gonna run 500mg with 750 test e and 50mg winny/day.

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Test 1-16 750mg
mast e 1-12 500mg
winny 50/day 12-16
Thanks bro, I used NPP/Deca and never had joint issues, when I ran EQ alone with winny I sub'd MSN/Glucosamine when I was on winny, honestly never had any joint issues and I have bad joints as well.

I cant get single digits on my size without crazy dieting, honestly im not competing and I live where its cold so some Bf is good. If your in that position to have sex a lot then hell yeah the sex drive is a good thing, well-being, and no joint soreness..hmmm I may look into it but honestly price is what kills me on that decision.
Thanks for the info bro.

Yeah, im still pretty young so i'll be smashing a lot, well as much as my girlfriend can handle. I am in the central part of the states now, so not really any huge reason to stay lean but that will be changing this year most likely, I will be relocating to the coast, so beach season will be a must to be ripped haha. I am the same way, I have to diet pretty hard to get super lean, but I want to try and stay below 13% even through my bulker this year so I am going to basically "diet" with just upping carbs all year, that is the plan anyways.

Good to hear about the NPP I have heard so many good things about it I kinda wanna use it instead of the masteron, I don't want to use both since a I am still trying to keep my cycles simple until next year. Got a little time to think about it though. I'll try and do a log on this next one.

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I've been debating the same thing. I chose the mast e due to less pinning. Gonna run 500mg with 750 test e and 50mg winny/day.

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Test 1-16 750mg
mast e 1-12 500mg
winny 50/day 12-16

Nice bro, let me know how you like it and how it goes. I as well was thinking Mast E for less pinning, I can find it in a decently high Mg/Ml as well so that helps even more. Good luck man.
Mast is a great compound. I've only used the Prop ester but it is amazing when you have good Mast. The lower the bf % the more it shines! But if you're 15% or so and would like to run it, don't be afraid too. Combined with Tren it's even better. The 2 are like PB&J lol. If its quality Mast 400mg/wk is perfectly fine

I love Winny, but its just so hard to train on it! So stiff and everything. That's one benefit Mast has over Winny, but of course Mast is between arond 2.5-3x more depending on your connection if you're a brewer
I've been running mast E For almost a year and I love it. I'm pretty lean though. My source dried up so now I guess I'll have to go with EQ...

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I've been running mast E For almost a year and I love it. I'm pretty lean though. My source dried up so now I guess I'll have to go with EQ...

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

I know you eat pretty clean year around, I normally do too, but have you noticed any cholesterol issues with it Dude? that would be my 1 concern. It's currently a toss up between Mast E and NPP on my next run.
I know you eat pretty clean year around, I normally do too, but have you noticed any cholesterol issues with it Dude? that would be my 1 concern. It's currently a toss up between Mast E and NPP on my next run.

My BP, cholesterol, and liver enzymes are fantastic. The best they've been since I started watching them 8 years ago. My diet is pretty good, but I had breaded fish and sweet potato fries last night and that's pretty common for one of my meals a day. What I love is how it totally crushes any sides from Test for me. It really makes you feel amazing.

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My BP, cholesterol, and liver enzymes are fantastic. The best they've been since I started watching them 8 years ago. My diet is pretty good, but I had breaded fish and sweet potato fries last night and that's pretty common for one of my meals a day. What I love is how it totally crushes any sides from Test for me. It really makes you feel amazing.

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Nice man, sounds fantastic, that's good to hear on the Mast E as well, not many people run it and opt for the prop more it seems. Decisions decisions..... thanks for the info.
I've been contemplating running test tren and mast E after the cycle I'm on currently. So getting the feedback for these longer esters is nice.
Very good compound to keep you looking good year round. The only downsides is it hurts my cholesterol a bit, but nothing too crazy, and makes me shed. Its a nice compound to run regardless of bodyfat. It keeps you lean, dry, and feeling good. I'll put it up there with test in terms of feel good steroids.