maybe best cycle yet...


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
So been on a turinabol and test susp/cyp run for about 4 to 5 weeks now and results are great. Results only being measured in looks. Constant full and pumped look without any other supplements, peptides, etc. Maybe I should have started suspension long ago. And turanibol was not harsh at all but gave nice results. They came from our nappy headed bro.

Other things I changed this cycle was I eat how I want. Don't count calories and eat what u crave. Which has been more carbs and less protein. Also training a little lighter so hard to measure strength. Sometimes you gotta flip the script to respark gains
Whatever works for you man, you know your body better than anyone else. It's good that you found something that works. I've never given susp or tbol a try, but I think I'm going to use susp to kickstart my next bulk cycle along with some deca npp