MC IGF-1 Is No Joke.

Damn!! Most I ever got to was 250 per side which was half a mg. And the pump was absolutely INSANE!!!
Damn 1mg! That's insane, makes my 100mcg dose look like a walk in the park. Might up this as time goes on

yeah that shit there is insane lol, though i know some guys who do it at the pro level, but this guy here is happy with 60mcgs daily lol
I really like adding MC IGF to any cycle, pumps are crazy. I'm up to 60mcg pre-work days, just great. Bout time to order up some more!
I might just have to try some....I wasn't happy with my last IGF-1 which was from naps ( a while back ) , the product potency was alright (not the best) but there were multiple shipping / order issues....!
I might just have to try some....I wasn't happy with my last IGF-1 which was from naps ( a while back ) , the product potency was alright (not the best) but there were multiple shipping / order issues....!

I guarantee 100% you'll say its the best IGF you ever used, and thats only because most people are selling fakes, there isn't anything special about our igf, its simply real. Plain and Simple
review bump for members looking into IGF-1 lr3 from
good read for newbies on our IGF-1 lr3 preparation and effectiveness!
many great customer reviews in this thread on our igf-1 lr3 worth a bump before we start our annual anniversary sale
I apply it in the muscle group I am working that day ....great for quads even try traps when you do shrugs......pretty bad ass pump...but.I do sub q before bed