MC IGF, AAA Peps Folli, Syntherol

How are u using synthol? protocol... Looked and didn't find or overlooked LMAO

I had to scale back after the swelling in my lower legs got too bad. I'm back up to 3ml in each calf E3D. I do 3/4" in the out parts to make them flare out as opposed to increasing in size all the way around like balloons

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I went to 5mg of DAC today as Silk was nice enough to give me my Christmas presents early. I also have 2 bottles of MK677 (oral GH secretagogue) on the way. Ive got quite the stock of DAC, GHRP2, Hex, and now MK677 so Im set with those. Ive also still got a good amount of MC IGF left as I had to dramatically reduce the doses due to the synergy with the Peptides. If I could land a couple bottles of Folli and ACE over the next few weeks I think this could get pretty crazy. Ill get some new pics up in a couple weeks as well as some before and current pics of my calves. Im still hovering around 240lbs, but I swear I'm getting leaner and my separation is improving daily...
What's interesting, albeit frustrating, about syntherol is the fact that there really isn't much information regarding how long the average person requires to fill some of that gap in the fascia. It's great to stretch it with synth but if it takes too long to fill with new muscle then the whole process becomes a never ending cycle which will ultimately be more frustrating than anything. Reading the few reports I have on synth users it appears that most, if not all, of the increased size is lost as soon as syntherol use stops.
Keep up the log though as I am certainly interested to see how much you use, how often you use it and then what the post synth use results are whenever you decide to stop. Even a 1/2" gain could be nice, but would it be worth the hassle..? I guess that will depend on the individual. How long have you been using it so far? Did you lose most of your size when you took a break?
What's interesting, albeit frustrating, about syntherol is the fact that there really isn't much information regarding how long the average person requires to fill some of that gap in the fascia. It's great to stretch it with synth but if it takes too long to fill with new muscle then the whole process becomes a never ending cycle which will ultimately be more frustrating than anything. Reading the few reports I have on synth users it appears that most, if not all, of the increased size is lost as soon as syntherol use stops.
Keep up the log though as I am certainly interested to see how much you use, how often you use it and then what the post synth use results are whenever you decide to stop. Even a 1/2" gain could be nice, but would it be worth the hassle..? I guess that will depend on the individual. How long have you been using it so far? Did you lose most of your size when you took a break?

I've used it before and kept about 1 3/4" last time. I didn't lose any size when I took a break as I'm doing a much slower and careful approach. I've only used about 50cc so far and I will probably reach my goal before I use up the additional 250ml. The other thing I love is how it makes you look post inject... it's pretty awesome stuff and you don't have to follow the 30 day crash course, but if you don't do as much that quickly expect to use it longer and maybe need a little more. To be honest I enjoy it. It's painful and stressful sometimes, but I can manipulate the look of the muscle. The swelling sucks, but most don't have the issues with that as I do.

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Interesting and good info, thank you. I look forward to using mine (I only have 100ml), but I'm just trying to figure out the best time - now or when I return from my trip to Europe. Anyways, I'll stop hijacking your thread. When do we get some pics of your progress?
Interesting and good info, thank you. I look forward to using mine (I only have 100ml), but I'm just trying to figure out the best time - now or when I return from my trip to Europe. Anyways, I'll stop hijacking your thread. When do we get some pics of your progress?

I will definitely post some pics soon. My weight has stabilized, but I'm seeing very slight, very consistent weight gains and slight strength gains. It looks like I'm slowly losing some of my initial water weight gain as I'm getting tighter, but still every so slowly creeping upwards on the scale.
Decided to say screw it and up the CJC to 6mg a week. I'm also starting the MK677 at 37.5mg ED.
so my brother has been training with Silk and I. We have decent genetics so he is also pretty muscular and definately stands out in a crowd. He only uses legal stuff. He is 5'5 and pretty lean... if you guys are interested I'll post some pics.. anyway he has been loving the Trestolone and IGF and now is doing the peptides. He is up to 179lbs with abs and decent serratus seperation so he's lean.
Anyways today was shoulders. ...
After doing side laterals this was the conversation. ..
BROTHER: dude you need to lay off the syntherol in the delts, they are starting to look a little ridiculous...
ME: uuummm..... I've never put an ounce of syntherol in my delts...
BROTHER: bullshit, no one has delts like that without alot of syntherol, no one is going to believe that..
ME: Silk... how much Syntherol do you think I've put in my delts?
SILK: you've never done that stuff in your delts... just calves and triceps I thought... when did you start doing your delts???
BROTHER: oh... well I mean they don't look ridiculous, but when you're doing side laterals everyone in the gym just stares at you...

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Compliments are always appreciated. Slightly off topic, but not...what's your favorite exercise to develop the shoulder caps more? Congrats on the beastly shoulders! I wonder how hard it would be to synth the shoulders and keep it well rounded - as in, how many different spots would you need to pin?
Compliments are always appreciated. Slightly off topic, but not...what's your favorite exercise to develop the shoulder caps more? Congrats on the beastly shoulders! I wonder how hard it would be to synth the shoulders and keep it well rounded - as in, how many different spots would you need to pin?

I do the normal stuff... side laterals, wide grip uprights, etc, but my execution is very different from what other people do. It's hard to explain and kind of hard to even get people in the right motion to do it.
My shoulders are back and slightly squeezing my traps and I just lift the delts straight up and back. My hands are always a few inches below my shoulders at the top and I kick the rear of the dumbell out a little bit as I contract up... it's very smooth and natural once you get the hang of it. Only the delts are contracted, the biceps triceps and forearms are as relaxed as they can be just holding the dumbell. Maybe I'll get some video up once all the lawsuit stuff is over. The way I perform most exercises is pretty different from anything I ever seen anyone else doing. I've been forced to make alot of changes after my accident in order to continue training. The forced changes have been pretty beneficial all the way around. My quads have definitely suffered, but I'm looking into blood occlusion training for them as it seems to have developed and tested on people with dramatic limitations such as myself

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I must tried your side lateral without a dumbbell this very second and damn that hit the delt entirely! Thanks for that tidbit, I'll have to execute it in my next session. I'm always trying different angles and positions to see what works for me
I must tried your side lateral without a dumbbell this very second and damn that hit the delt entirely! Thanks for that tidbit, I'll have to execute it in my next session. I'm always trying different angles and positions to see what works for me

Yes! I usually do my own thing on shoulder day since I often have shoulder pain (not from an injury) so I'm limited as to what I can do. Anyway, I actually trained with The Dude and did the side laterals his way and omg(!!) I got the best pump. I haven't had a good shoulder workout in months. It's always a good training day when you learn something new THAT WORKS! I'm very lucky to have him as my partner that's for sure :-)
Very interesting. Thanks for the info. I'll have to give that a shot. Wider shoulders is something I struggle with, so this might help.
Yo were are you gettin this MC igf ?

MC IGF refers to the MuscleChemistry line of IGF. There are links for the store on the site. I specify this particular brand as I've used 5 or 6 other brands in the past and they were total garbage. I almost gave up on IGF.

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Things have been going really well. I'm not sure what is causing it, but some days I'm just crazy dry and shredded where other days I'm clearly holding a good amount of water especially in the midsection. It doesn't seem to correspond to my cheat meals, what I train, or anything. Today for instance I was looking crazy lean... veins in my serratus and just tight as hell... if I had to give a reasonable comparison I would say I looked 4-5 weeks out from show ready. It's that crazy!

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Things have been going really well. I'm not sure what is causing it, but some days I'm just crazy dry and shredded where other days I'm clearly holding a good amount of water especially in the midsection. It doesn't seem to correspond to my cheat meals, what I train, or anything. Today for instance I was looking crazy lean... veins in my serratus and just tight as hell... if I had to give a reasonable comparison I would say I looked 4-5 weeks out from show ready. It's that crazy!

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i felt like i was looking about 4 or 5 weeks out from stage condition about 2 months ago, but it was mostly stress related weight loss! lol, and i mean STRESS STRESS STRESS !! I wasn't eating shit and i lost about 20 pounds, but maintained my muscle and i guess my body just burned the fat off me, lol, but I'm no where near that condition now lol, but its an awesome feeling isn't it when your not prepping for anything serious, and you know your could jump on stage in a month or so if you wanted to!! I love thats shit!

You think sleep has anything to do with it? I know when i sleep less i look worse, but when(and its rare) i sleep well, and look rested , my body does to!

Its gotta be something doing it right bro? you really haven't a clue?
i felt like i was looking about 4 or 5 weeks out from stage condition about 2 months ago, but it was mostly stress related weight loss! lol, and i mean STRESS STRESS STRESS !! I wasn't eating shit and i lost about 20 pounds, but maintained my muscle and i guess my body just burned the fat off me, lol, but I'm no where near that condition now lol, but its an awesome feeling isn't it when your not prepping for anything serious, and you know your could jump on stage in a month or so if you wanted to!! I love thats shit!

You think sleep has anything to do with it? I know when i sleep less i look worse, but when(and its rare) i sleep well, and look rested , my body does to!

Its gotta be something doing it right bro? you really haven't a clue?

It still seems random. It may have something to do with how much sleep I get. These peptides make me really sleepy and I'm sleeping alot more. Maybe since I'm sleeping more I'm peeing more and it takes longer for me to eat. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with dosing or anything else

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Also I think my body is wanting a break or using the Kratom is allowing me to push myself too hard. I did Legs Monday and although it was a good workout I just couldn't get my head into it. Tuesday was chest abs and calves and although I was really strong I couldn't focus again and I did kratom preworkout both times. Today I slept for 12 hours straight, got up, ate something and passed out again for almost 3 hours. I still had to drag my ass to the store. I don't feel sick or achy or anything, just very tired. I'll go to bed early tonight and see if tomorrow isn't a better day

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