MC IGF questions

Thats not bad, that was the resend after your egyption friends ripped you off at customs? lol

lool , yea that wanker , i am still pissed off till now cause i can't get anything directly to here, can't wait till winter start cause i am moving to UK for good finally.
this post should be a sticky.

100ml insulin syringes. 29g 1/2" is pretty
standard and easy to find. I found an insulin kit that holds two syringes and has a small cool pack in it. It is the size of a eye glass case and real cheap. But it sounds like it would be easier if you load it prior then pin it.

Here are some bookmarks I have that you may find helpful.
It's definitely got all the info needed when it comes to IGF so we'll just have to keep it near the top
BA is absolutely not needed. It's good to go as soon as you get it
Package arrived today, its a vial filled with 1ML of content
The content seems a little small to me, to inject it on its own.. in the past I premixed my igf myself and then I mixed it with BA for easier injection (This is absolutely not necessary?)
I will use 40mcg's slin pins like these on the left


Yes, I know that is not the problem, the problem is the dosing, its hard to dose it correct with a 1ml slin pin you see?
If you just use the pure substance, You only have to pin up 4 units, i'm doing billateral with one needle so its a little bit hard to do so.
I was only wondering if everyone just uses the vial on its own, without extra BA for easier dosing.
Yes, I know that is not the problem, the problem is the dosing, its hard to dose it correct with a 1ml slin pin you see?
If you just use the pure substance, You only have to pin up 4 units, i'm doing billateral with one needle so its a little bit hard to do so.
I was only wondering if everyone just uses the vial on its own, without extra BA for easier dosing.

I'm gonna answer for Wv . Use more than one pin brutha. Or are they costly where you live and hard to obtain??