McCain wants feds to regulate vitamins and supplements


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Gold Member
Get ready for your supplments to be taken bet if this goes threw things like creatine, test boosters ,ect...will be taken off the shelf

McCain wants feds to regulate vitamins and supplements

By Steve Adcock ⋅ February 25, 2010 ⋅ Email This Post ⋅ Print This Post ⋅ Post a comment
SOUTHERN ARIZONA – So-called small government “Maverick” and Arizona Senator John McCain wants to give the federal government more power over the regulation of vitamins and supplements by repealing the classification of these products, currently, as “food”.

The Dietary Supplement and Safety Act would increase regulation over the availability of many vitamins and supplements available to consumers in the “free market”.

“It is big government that has a proven track record of not protecting the public. And it is big government that is seeking to take away yet another individual freedom, the right to choose one’s own treatment,” said, a group dedicated to protecting freedom and the free market.

“An onerous burden would be placed on the shoulders of suppliers and retailers of dietary supplements, as they would have to “obtain written evidence” from the seller that the product is registered as required by law, and keep that documentation on file. Monetary penalties for non-compliance “may, in addition to other penalties imposed in this section, be fined not more than twice the gross profits or other proceeds derived from the manufacture, packaging, holding, distribution, labeling, or license of such dietary supplement,” they added.

“The McCain bill would change existing mandatory serious adverse reporting regulations, requiring minor adverse effects to be reported as well so that the FDA could arbitrarily pull supplements off the shelves or reclassify them as drugs. This immediate recall authority would be granted to the “Secretary upon determination,” that there is a “reasonable probability” that the product is “adulterated” or “misbranded.””

Relying on the FDA to regulate and control more of our free market, fraught with all kinds of safety concerns themselves, is an outrageous infringement on the freedom of consumer choice.
Utah senator Orrin Hatch was the one who kept them deregulated this far. Wonder if he'll do it again.
This will just create a bigger black market!

I think their are bigger issues to worry about!

Maybe like trying to get TORT reform passed!
lol this is why i cant stand this country anymore. I could never join the military because i wouldnt risk my life for anything that i dont believe in 100% and i dont believe in this country 50%.
See, and this guy calls himself a republican. How can you call yourself a republican while always trying to expand the federal government? Fucking Asshole, that's why I didn't vote for this cock sucker--I wanted to make sure a fake republican didn't get into office.
Russia keeps sounding BETTER and BETTER every day... mmmMmmMmmmMMMMMM Russian WOMEN !! Legal Anabolics!! No Gun regulation.. (downside, if the military wants your weapon(s) they will come take them..) That's what I am saying.. If shit like this passes.. I will be going back to the Homeland...
Shit, before to long you will have to have the goverments permission to jackoff. If they realy suceed with this bill, There will be alot more people on AAS. Garaunteed. Oh yeah, John McCain can suck a big fat donkey dick.:moon:
Shit, before to long you will have to have the goverments permission to jackoff. If they realy suceed with this bill, There will be alot more people on AAS. Garaunteed. Oh yeah, John McCain can suck a big fat donkey dick.:moon:

I agree if they take away things like creatine and make them an underground market item then kids will just jump right into steroids. Its rediculous
somehow i don't believe they can pull it off, dietary supplement lobby is too strong and banning creatine etc is ridicules. Its not going to happen.
You better start supporting GNC. They are one of the main people who lobby to keep the supp industry going. Im serious too. McCain is an idiot. He must think this will help him get elected in the next election. He is also the tard who made the UFC illegal too way back. I still say the most dangerous drug that is sold to anyone of age is alcohol and tylenol comes in a close second. It makes me sick that we aren't responsible enough to make our own decision about anything except paying taxes apparently. This invasion started with seat belts in my opinion. You want to ride a motorcycle without a helmet on let it be your choice.