Melanotan II users?



Has anyone been using melanotan II lately? I'm thinking about getting some to help me get a little darker for the summer.
Man I read some mixed reviews from europe. Like uneven pigmentation and skin cancer in short. Thats just too risky for me.
I've been using it for over 2yrs nonstop.I"ve had no problems with it.Unfortunatley my source emailed me this week and said the FDA was shutting them down and they wont b able to sell to US costumers anymore.
Im going to order some and give it a shot...Its what alot of guys are doing now to get darker for the stage...
Ive read there is some pretty severe nausea possibly at the beginning of a cycle of melanotan. I also heard it was a great afrodisiac. LOL
The nausea and other sides go away after aboiut the third or fourth day.Just shoot it right before you go to bed so you'll sleep through most of the sides in the begining.
As far as I know I haven't read any studies where skin cancer occured, and this drug has been around since the 80's. They developed it to prevent skin cancer by increasing melanin production without the need for UV radiation that causes the cellular damage to the dermis. It was recently approved for human trials in the U.S. again and will likely hit the market in 2010 or 2011 as it can take a couple of years for the approval process. I think a lot of this has to do with money and its regulation, as it is quite easy to get.
I've been using it for a couple of months now and I love it. I have type 2, almost type 3 skin, so I tan easily. I loaded with it for 1mg/day for the first 10 days, and I got way too dark. My girlfriend is black, and she was telling me to ease up on And I did not tan at all within that time. Unless you are extremely fair skinned, I don't think the loading phase is necessary and only produces more sides like nausea and hyperpigmentation. I noticed that any moles or freckles got very dark as these are basically clusters of melanocytes anyway so they got dark first.
Now, I only do .5mg every other day and I tan between 1 to 3 times a week, and I'm still very dark. People still ask me where I've been on vacation or where I tan. I will probably lighten up more after summer and just go for a more natural glow look and just do .5mg twice a week which is the usual maintenance dose. The side effect I like the most is that it really does make you horny and your erections super hard and full. I usually take it at night and have random hardons throughout the night and the next morning. The only thing that sucked was that first few days on it I did have nausea, and I was on that loading phase that was pretty high dosed and I was taking it during the day at that time. If you go to they have some discussion forums that you can browse where people have posted pictures of their melanotan results and logs.
one more thing...

I also notice that when I take it, and it seems common for a lot of people, is that I like to stretch and yawn a lot more. Not really a problem, and it feels good to do it, but it is
I read about one person on the melanotan site who became really dark in about three weeks, combining indoor tanning in the last week and a half, and this person says he was barely a type 2. Which leads me to a question: How do you know what type skin you are anyway? When I was young I would get almost as dark as a Native American if I stayed out in the sun too long. I burn a bit more easily than I used to just because I don't get the same exposure to the sun as an adult, but still as a whole I'm darker skinned than most caucasians here in Utah, probably because of my Italian heritage on my Mom's side. I never burn on my arms or legs, I have only burned a little on my back and chest--the two areas that don't get as much regular sunlight. I'm afraid now that if I use this stuff, I'm going to be dark in a couple of weeks, and I really won't be able to explain that to my wife. I also would not be looking forward to experiencing nausea and loss of appetite. I just got my appetite back on track. Maybe if I used small amounts, I would be able to gradually get darker and experience less sides.
ive been researching on it as well. I would just be very conservative on the loading phase. You probably dont even need one. Its easier to explain not using enough that using too much and being way too dark. Im a type 3, probably 4 very fair skinned person so I could do a heavy loading phase and still probably not get too dark. When I try it, I probably wont even load and the only tanning I will do is being outside - mowing lawn, washing cars, at the lake, etc.

i also read about the sporadic tanning, like dark upper body and white legs....would suck if that happens to me.
Loved the stuff man. Took it for about a month and got pretty dark, stopped takin it and still saw the color for about a month and a half. Take it right before bed due to the side effects. Its also like taking a dang ED pill, huge erections haha
Well, if I decide that I can stand the sides, I just may get some then. I want to be dark this summer.
Those who have used it, can you please post the protocol you followed?
Generally your skin type is darker the higher the number, so a skin type I is very fair skin. Here's a website to help you determine which one you are:

As for side effects, if you are concerned about it, you can opt to use Melanotan I instead of Melanotan II. It generally does not produce the sexual sides, and appetite loss associated with Melanotan II. I do believe you have to use a higher dose on the Melanotan I though, so it may cost a bit more to use. Check on the discussion forums for more info, they have forums for both drugs.

Most people start out doing a loading phase, but I've found that if you are not a skin type I or lower end of skin type II that it is probably not necessary and will save you money and prevent sides as well. A lower dose over a longer period of time is best, and gives you a more even all over tan. If you do the loading phase, the parts of your body with the most melanocytes will get darkest faster and can produce uneven results. When I loaded my face got the darkest the fastest and my arms didn't get as dark as quick. Now that I've lowered the dose and been on it a while, everything looks much better and even. Like I said earlier I started out doing 1mg/day for the first week and got extremely dark without tanning. If you do tan, it further stimulates the melanocytes to produce more melanin and speeds the process. I personally would wait a week after using to start tanning to let it build in the system a little, especially if you are fair skinned.
Right now Im using .5mg every other day and I tan between one and three times a week and I look very Latin. LOL After summer, just two shots a week is sufficient for a maintenance dose for a lighter tan for me I'm sure. If I ever have to start over again I will skip the loading phase and just do the .5mg/eod until I reach my desired color.
man i want to use this stuff now that you wrote that. Ill prob stop using it after summer just because i dont really care how dark i am in the winter.