Melanotan II

I used it for 2 years straight! It is the shit!! I swore I would never stop... then I found MC's IGF, so I had to choose one or the other. IGF won. Melanotan 2 will make you dark as shit and it is awesome!
Inject it subcutaneously into your stomach fat.

The dosage routine I used was:

1mg 2x daily for the first 2 weeks
1mg 2x weekly after that for maintenance.

I hate the shit to be honest. It gives you a stiffy sure, but it flushes you, creates unbearable nausea, etc.
If you have any moles be aware that they will darken. If you have moles on your face either have them removed or don't use melanotan II. Mole darkening is probably the number one consistent complaint.
If one experiences "unbearable nausea" that would generally be indicative of a dosage amount being too high. Best to start out low and ramp up gradually (ie: start in the 0.25 mg/day range) but only up to 1 mg/day (any more is likely going to be overkill). There's a bit of a learning curve with these peptides in that each individual responds slightly differently to them and so you must tailor your regimen accordingly based upon what level of pigmentation you want to achieve.

You might want to have a look at this thread below as well:

melanotan-1 Scenesse
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ive used it. im very light skinned. it worked well, i got no sides, and got darker than ever before. but it didnt work without sun exposure. i know this cause my only sun exposure was at the lake. and everything covered by my bathing suit was as white as the day of my first dose of MII
What about melanotan I? Does it tan you as well as MII (just no stiffy)? Does it cause the nausea as well? The nausea was the worst thing for me. I can handle the flushing, but the nausea made me so sick to my stomach that I couldn't hold on to what I ate, and that was unacceptable. Can't grow if the calories don't stay in you.
I used it for 2 years straight! It is the shit!! I swore I would never stop... then I found MC's IGF, so I had to choose one or the other. IGF won. Melanotan 2 will make you dark as shit and it is awesome!
Do they counteract or something? Just wondering why u can't run both at the same time. (I know, I know... stupid newb.)
fuck everyone is making me scared of pinning it now! I will try the shit anyways cause my ass is blinding - stay tuned and i will post results.
What about melanotan I? Does it tan you as well as MII (just no stiffy)? Does it cause the nausea as well? The nausea was the worst thing for me. I can handle the flushing, but the nausea made me so sick to my stomach that I couldn't hold on to what I ate, and that was unacceptable. Can't grow if the calories don't stay in you.

It sounds like your melanotan II dosing might have been too high. Generally if one is feeling too nauseous at a certain dosage level they should dial it back to a point where nausea wouldn't be such an issue (again 0.25 mg/day is a typical starting point) and then gradually ramp up the dosing without going over 1 mg /day. The main thing to gaining pigmentation successfully is to be consistent and patient.

Melanotan-1 (the non-sexual one) will work as effectively as melanotan II but it has a much higher level of dosing (~ 8-10x melanotan II) and so is quite a bit more expensive to use on a continual basis. How it would affect you would again depend upon dosing.
Melanotan-1 (under the generic name "afamelanotide") is the version of these two peptides that is currently in advanced human testing and will quite likely come to market as a subcutaneous implant in the next year or two as a therapeutic medicine for a series of UV and light related skin indications.
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I had a mole right under my nose in the middle of my mustache when I was little that I had removed (it was fucking embarrassing believe me).There still remains a scar that is ever so slightly above normal skin level. Would that be likely to turn ugly again? ill kill myself if does

can anyone else comment on sun exposure and if you required it or not? I am a vampire and cant see the sun
i used it, its effective and i can say, you can buy it online but be careful because there are many stores out there selling fake melanotan..

P.S. melanotan can increase your libido...haha
Greetings all,

My apologies for digging up an old thread, but I would like some feedback/suggestions on Melanotan II, as it relates to me specifically (read on).

Basically, I'm of African American descent but my complexion is light brown (think a couple shades lighter than the skin of an almond ;)). I don't normally lay out and tan as I get very uncomfortable, and sometimes downright irritable, sitting in one spot literally burning up and sweating. If I do I'm usually only good for no more than 30 minutes. Needless to say when I do tan up I absolutely love my complexion afterward. Albeit, I wouldn't mind a couple shades darker, hence my interest in Melanotan.

So based on the above do I need to be a little more cognizant at adjusting my dosing and cycle length because of my light brown complexion?

One other thing I forgot to mention. I had a bout with psoriasis about a month ago which as been treated with oral and cream steroid medications. I was told by the doc that I will have this for the rest of my life.

So, would using Melanotan antagonize my psoriasis?

Ciao fellaz..
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Inject it subcutaneously into your stomach fat.

The dosage routine I used was:

1mg 2x daily for the first 2 weeks
1mg 2x weekly after that for maintenance.

I hate the shit to be honest. It gives you a stiffy sure, but it flushes you, creates unbearable nausea, etc.

no wonder at the dosage you took ... you was taking too much imo....

ive take this stuff for over 12 months and had mild / zero sides.

Firstly i began at 0.25 ED for the first week, 2nd week 0.5 and 1mg for the 3/4 th during the loading phase.

maintenance i load 1mg 2 x a week ....
I did 1mg a day for 20 days, then 1mg eod for 20 days, then .5mg twice a week for nearly 2 years.
And The Dude is a darkie now. Lately you're getting darker by the day. Pretty soon, when I call you bro, it's going to be on a brutha type of way. lol