Metal's shoulder Pics


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member

kinda hard to see on pic but on the second one u can kind of see the seperation on the trap running left and right in the middle on the top. U can also see the wrap mark on my left wrist that hasd been killing me. I went real light today bc the wrist but did some more reps
Haha, I was TOTALLY f'n with you. For real! You have nothing to feel insecure about... :)

I do the same thing (cell phone progress pix). I have a whole folder in my gmail dedicated to them, lol. And yeah, traps are def poppin' there!
Haha, I was TOTALLY f'n with you. For real! You have nothing to feel insecure about... :)

I do the same thing (cell phone progress pix). I have a whole folder in my gmail dedicated to them, lol. And yeah, traps are def poppin' there!

prove it lol
Well Thank you very much, im like that I can feel confident about something and than 1 comment will make me look back at the pix and think to myself dang I guess thats not as good as i thought, than I start dwarfing myself lol, like Horse eyes haha
prove it lol
Well Thank you very much, im like that I can feel confident about something and than 1 comment will make me look back at the pix and think to myself dang I guess thats not as good as i thought, than I start dwarfing myself lol, like Horse eyes haha

I'm sorry... :( someone did that to me today too and it made me feel really insecure, so I don't want to do that to someone else. I'm 105lbs (my lightest comp weight to date, and I don't even compete for 2.5 weeks - LOTS tighter and better package than last year), but I still have a bubble butt and someone had to go and point it out... completely wiped away my excitement from jumping on the scale at 3:45am! I really was kidding and had that comment in mind when I clicked to open the thread BEFORE I even saw the pix.

I took a great sideview of my glutes this morning and then when I emailed to myself and opened the pic on the computer after work, it didn't look quite as impressive as it did on my phone, lol. WTF is up with that??!
Ok awesome =), thanks for letting me know in that way, I guess we all have that thing about us of appearance and thats why we do what we do, I joke around alot too so I need to always keep that in mind I suppose.

Yeah I dont know what the deal is with thphone pics that will look amazing than on the comp it seems less impressive, I run into this alot , I feel like the bigger pictures take away from some of the details or shadowing, although that logically doesnt make sense lol.
Whats your height? Wow you are really coming close to your comp now, and it sounds like its going very well.

Since you are against the log, will you be posting your comp pix? or you dont like to do that either? I dont like posting pix of myself until I feel satisfied, but im posting some on here for the sake of me keeping track and letting other ppl see as well, although I feel like im a couple months from feeling better about my pics.
Yeah, you're like the biggest joker around here. I thought you would know I was just playing! I'm gonna keep my sarcasm in check next time though... don't want it to be mistaken for meanness.

We're all big self critics, huh! My coach was texting with me while I did cardio this morning and I made her work for the money today, haha... I've been feeling so great and positive and for whatever reason, even though my weight dropped overnight, I was feeling a little "blah" this morning... happy with the scale, but I still see imperfections in the mirror still... I'm not discouraged, but it's like "fkkkkk! what ELSE could I possibly do?" She thinks I'm right on track though... I don't like the soft bikini look and my upper body is really hard, so it's difficult trying to get lower body to match up. I trust her, but I hate the mindfuck that it can sometimes be.

And exactly... the shadowing/detail seems to get lost on the computer. It makes want to resize the pix to be the size of my blackberry screen, since that's how they look the best lol.

I'm 5'1" and yeah, super close... 2.5 and 3.5 weeks out. I haven't decided if I'll post pix or not... guess we'll see how I feel about myself! Thanks for asking though! :)
No! Keep the jokes coming it was my bad I was unaware that u were a joker too, and yeah I am a big one too!
hahahaha the resizing thing, we are def on the same page there, I came close with yesterdays pix to doing that, veryyyyyyyy close!!!
I wish you the best of luck with the shows, and I, as im sure the rest of the site are all behind you to have a great showing, hopefully you opt to post atleast the comp pix but I understand if you dont want to. I feel alot of women get down on themselves about the lower body when coming into shape, it always seems like the thing women want most to come in and its the last part to come in the way they want
Yeah, I'm really sarcastic, but it's difficult to tell "tone" over the internet. Plus I don't like to joke with people unless I know they can handle it. The other day I was joking with a friend online and then thought they got mad at me. I was like "for real??!" Ended up not that way, but sometimes you just don't know.

Thanks so much for the good wishes! :) Things are actually tightening up and coming together really well... it's hard not to stress some days though, especially as show day nears. But I've been practicing my posing, doing my double cardios, eating my tilapia, and following coach's orders so I'm confident that it will all come together... just like it always does!
Yeah, I'm really sarcastic, but it's difficult to tell "tone" over the internet. Plus I don't like to joke with people unless I know they can handle it. The other day I was joking with a friend online and then thought they got mad at me. I was like "for real??!" Ended up not that way, but sometimes you just don't know.

Thanks so much for the good wishes! :) Things are actually tightening up and coming together really well... it's hard not to stress some days though, especially as show day nears. But I've been practicing my posing, doing my double cardios, eating my tilapia, and following coach's orders so I'm confident that it will all come together... just like it always does!

I hear you there, im very sarcastic and thats why im going to patent a sarcastic font. I dont know how many of my friends get confused over texts, it kind of sucks, bc even I know if I say "Thanks" and really mean thank you, they may take it as sarcastic, oh what a battle, and as the years go on I become less social, which noone that knows me would agree but I much rather text than speak on the phone, unless im really busy and getting bombarded with texts, which get hectic and I will make some calls just to silence the continual text noise from the messages.

Big props to you esp for being on here, I wish there were more women to have more of a well rounded view of this whole sport. Hopefully in the near future more women will join up, it's nice to hear there ideas and how they train and diet, esp since I have alot of women ask me how to do these things and i'd like a better understanding so I can have a good perspective on many different ideas other than the ones I already have.
Haha, I was TOTALLY f'n with you. For real! You have nothing to feel insecure about... :)

I do the same thing (cell phone progress pix). I have a whole folder in my gmail dedicated to them, lol. And yeah, traps are def poppin' there!

talk about popping, them abs Steph,Im gonna start calling you ab zilla LOL. you look amazing! hope you kick ass in the show
LMAO...."Goody" spent all of 1/2 second on you there metal! "traps looking...blah blah blah....steph, you look AMAZING...drool drool drool..." LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....The funny thing is I thought she was a guy when I first got on here! A bunch of these guys use model pics for their photos and I thought it was the case. Especially since my nephew's name is Stephen! LOLOLOLOLOL...felt like an ass!! LOLOLOL