Metal's shoulder Pics

LMAO...."Goody" spent all of 1/2 second on you there metal! "traps looking...blah blah blah....steph, you look AMAZING...drool drool drool..." LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....The funny thing is I thought she was a guy when I first got on here! A bunch of these guys use model pics for their photos and I thought it was the case. Especially since my nephew's name is Stephen! LOLOLOLOLOL...felt like an ass!! LOLOLOL
Ahhhhh...can ya blame a brother?
I mean seriously... she looks re-dunkulous:D
Thanks for the nice comments guys. This pic is a month old now, so I'm a bit tighter now.

Let's keep the conversation on metal though... he worked hard and should be proud! :) Way to go dude!!! So what exactly did you do to your wrist? I missed the memo on what went down with that...
from the over compensating due to the surgery on my right arm, my left wrist ligament is really strained/inflamed I guess and It is going to take weeks and weeks to heal, but I keep lifting so im sure that doesnt help
from the over compensating due to the surgery on my right arm, my left wrist ligament is really strained/inflamed I guess and It is going to take weeks and weeks to heal, but I keep lifting so im sure that doesnt help

Tell the truth brother, your wife kicked the crap out of you! I saw it posted on her FB! LOL
from the over compensating due to the surgery on my right arm, my left wrist ligament is really strained/inflamed I guess and It is going to take weeks and weeks to heal, but I keep lifting so im sure that doesnt help

Tell the truth brother, your wife kicked the crap out of you! I saw it posted on her FB! LOL

Haha, truth always comes out somehow! :p

Yeah that sucks... but think of it this way... you're young! If you still wanna be strong and healthy in 20, 30, 40 years, you gotta take care of that body now because if you injure yourself worse, how are you gonna be able to meet your bodybuilding goals? Food for thought! Heal up, dude!
haha, truth always comes out somehow! :p

yeah that sucks... But think of it this way... You're young! If you still wanna be strong and healthy in 20, 30, 40 years, you gotta take care of that body now because if you injure yourself worse, how are you gonna be able to meet your bodybuilding goals? Food for thought! Heal up, dude!

oh my...i think someone else beats this drum to you on the phone and text all the time too huh????? Maybe you will listen to her since i certainly don't know what i am talking about?!!!
oh my...i think someone else beats this drum to you on the phone and text all the time too huh????? Maybe you will listen to her since i certainly don't know what i am talking about?!!!

I never listen to people close to me either, lol. I'm thick-headed... but to get injured and not be able to lift? I think I'd go f'n crazy!! It sucks to lay off a bit, but if that's what ya gotta do, that's what ya gotta do...
Well, he has an amazing wife that he is damn lucky to have and is in the medical field so I am sure she has told him the same thing! Isn't that right Metal?
Yea man, take care of yourself and things will fall into place all in due time. My shoulders were lacking for the longest time, but from where I broke my arm and have come back, they have really been taking shape...You'll be fine
Thanks Guys and Girl* lol yeah I have been taking it easier this week, (with the exception of yesterday for back) Im icing my wrist and wearing the brace everyday, and wearing it to bed, and thank you on the traps compliment guys =)
wow...good luck with that wrist buddy

Thanks Buddy, I wish I knew for a fact what it is so I can help prevent it better, like Im wondering if even typing on the comp all day is making it worse ya know?