Mild Cutter


New member
What dose of Anavar would you guys suggest if i wanted to do a cutter for 8 weeks, I was thinking of 30mg a day, along with 160mcg of clen. If i was to run this with proper diet and cardio what type of results could i expect? I'm just looking for a small cutter that i could run a couple months before my first bulking cycle, it's just a thought. What do you guys think?
Id think about adding just a little bit of Test in there, that way you could REALLY kill cardio and diet and not really have to worry about loosing much muscle. Even if it was only 300mg Test E/week throw in some Femera to keep water low. Ive never used it, but got some on the way, throw in some T3. I would say winny, but if you are already using Var winny will be hell on the liver. Is 160mcgs of Clen really necessary? I only use 120mcgs/day.... but of course Im NO clen expert, Im still trying to figure this stuff out. How do you do your split @ 160mcgs/day? 40mcgs x 4 daily, about 3 hours apart or what?
Take all my clen at once. Pretty much i REALLY don't want my first cycle to be a cutter, becuase i know your best gains come from your first cycle. So i think i'll just cut naturally, maybe a little 1-test and 4ad for 8 weeks along with some Femara.
M1T?? is going to BLOAT the heck out of ya brother. I gained 12lbs on M1T-4ad alone in the fall. Also, is you are indeed referring to Methyl 1 Test after 8 weeks you wont have a liver. I think Im gonna try taking two 60mcg doses tommorrow to see if that helps burn fat, Ive been doing 3 x 40mcgs for a week now and its not sinking in yet. Damn me and this Clen!
I advise test in any cycle........however if that is not an option to you for this cutter, I think var is your best choice. I would go to 40 since its my itself. I would use some ECA in there and clen if you want.
I was refering to 1-test. I just don't want my first REAL cycle to be a cutter. SO i think i'll just cut with some 1-test/4-ad and an ant-e along with clen and E/C/Y. I personally FEEL better on 1-test than M1t, too bad cause i have a SHITLOAD of M1t lol.
I have more than enough M1T to last a lifetime! Funny thing is, gear is almost cheaper than M1T with a whole HELL of a lot less sides. That suff just kills me.
brew said:
I advise test in any cycle........however if that is not an option to you for this cutter, I think var is your best choice. I would go to 40 since its my itself. I would use some ECA in there and clen if you want.

I hate asking this cause i probably forgot, but what is var?
Ya i hear ya I've got 1200 M1t pills! And i'm only on my first cycle of it, lol. Yes i've gained a good amount of size, considering I've been using it while cutting plus the strength gains are freaky. BUT you just don't FEEL good while on it, like on 1-test/4-ad you feel ontop of the world, confidence and sexdrive are through the roof with your appetite and aggression being up. With M1t you have times when you feel lethargic even with the 4-ad in their, plus it suppresses your appetite, and doesn't exactly LIFT your mood, i've found that i get cranky at times on it, plus my sexdrive has actuallly DECREASED :curse:. Too bad i don't have 1200 var or d-bol pills, now THAT could be interesting, lol.
Yeah Chaps, but I dont like D-Bol either, too much bloat, I hate that bloated feeling. I felt raged out all the time on M1T, I would have killer hot flashed and have the urge to break anything in sight, even worst than with any other anabolic substance. I will however admit, that the 4 weeks I typically use M1T it does in fact give me the absolute MOST strenght gain/week ratio than anything else. Ive never used Drol but I think M1T kicks D-Bol square in the balls any day.
I know where you are comming from fonz, I just got MAD water retention off of D-bol, that was only 4 weeks too. I remember EXACTLY how I ran it.
week 1 20mg ED
week 2 30mg ED
week 3 30mg ED
week 4 15mg ED
I honestly think I got more strenght off of my M1T "alone" cycle than my D-bol "alone" cycle, I know I know, dont ask, young dumb and stupid! Lots of water, piss poor diet, gained 12lbs and lost 15 LOL!
I've bee lucky with bloat since i dont bloat like the marshmellow man like some but thats me. Unlike most i dont get much from EQ and soooooo many ppl love it, everyones diff.

Hows the diet coming along???
Its comming along OK, I got some appetite surpressant today and Im going to try to kill out one meal and make it a protein shake instead. I figure if I cut off that 350 cals a day it will be about -2000 cals per week, maybe yielding a pound or two. Lets hope. Im almost getting desperate. Cutting SUCKS, getting big is so much more fun.