Mind Blown!

Sugar is probably the root of diseases, just for the simple fact that we as Americans consume soooo much of the damn stuff. In 1822 on average people consumed about 45 grams of sugar every 5 days.... Fast forward to 2013 now 765 grams of sugar every 5 days!! Big Sugar uses the same tactics as Big Tobacco, covering up all the health related issues linked to high sugar diets and high fructose corn syrup.
Sugar is probably the root of diseases, just for the simple fact that we as Americans consume soooo much of the damn stuff. In 1822 on average people consumed about 45 grams of sugar every 5 days.... Fast forward to 2013 now 765 grams of sugar every 5 days!! Big Sugar uses the same tactics as Big Tobacco, covering up all the health related issues linked to high sugar diets and high fructose corn syrup.

I concur sir! Great stats by the way bro! thats staggering! And I always just chuckle inside when people say theyre dieting and cutting out all the sugars and fats by just eating fruits, lmao But alas im too nice!
I concur sir! Great stats by the way bro! thats staggering! And I always just chuckle inside when people say theyre dieting and cutting out all the sugars and fats by just eating fruits, lmao But alas im too nice!

"But it's not the same as regular sugar." FML lol
G Gordon Liddy was saying this 10 years ago and I agree. Despite diseases like diabetes there are so many other issues that sugar causes. Here's something I thought about, I haven't watched the link yet, but when you see ancient people dug up they have almost or most of their teeth. My nephew had to have 12 caps when he was 8 because his mom put powerade in his sippy cup when he was little. Poison. I would also group high glycemic processed foods in the same category.