Mis-counting reps?


New member
So does this happen to anyone else? It's not serious, but it's making me question how many other mistakes I must be making that I *don't* realize.

I am beginning to wonder if the diet is affecting my brain cells, lol. Lately I've been losing track of my reps mid-exercise. I'm not talking in the 15+ range either. I'll be on rep#3 and next thing I know another number (out of sequence) pops into my brain and I seriously forget where I was at. At that point, I just begin counting from the last correct number I remember. What can it hurt? I rock out an extra couple reps? Not a bad problem to have.

I just think it's funny that I feel great, been in the gym 7 days a week (sometimes 2x/day) but I can't do something so simple that even kindergarteners would do with flying colors.
Haha yeah ive done it many times still do it lol. I never worry about it too much, alot of people never count reps, just go by feel. I dont think presser ever counts his reps. Im sure by the end of your set you probably know about how many reps youve done just by feel, i always do.
Yes I always feel it so it's not super important if I'm off by a bit... but it amuses me that I lose track of something so simple. I've made a few other stupid mistakes lately but they're silly random things.

It's just funny... 1, 2, 3, 5... wait... 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9... shit! 7, 8, etc... lol
Yup i do it alot especially when im doing deads or squats or something, im focused so much on form im like fuck i havent even counted yet lol.
That's one thing having a training partner helped me with. Have the other person count your reps so you can focus on form, etc.
Yes I always feel it so it's not super important if I'm off by a bit... but it amuses me that I lose track of something so simple. I've made a few other stupid mistakes lately but they're silly random things.

It's just funny... 1, 2, 3, 5... wait... 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9... shit! 7, 8, etc... lol

Lol, I thought I was the only one that did that, and I thought it was because I was getting older. When it happens, I just figure I'll go until I can do any more and estimate the reps I did.
So does this happen to anyone else? It's not serious, but it's making me question how many other mistakes I must be making that I *don't* realize.

I am beginning to wonder if the diet is affecting my brain cells, lol. Lately I've been losing track of my reps mid-exercise. I'm not talking in the 15+ range either. I'll be on rep#3 and next thing I know another number (out of sequence) pops into my brain and I seriously forget where I was at. At that point, I just begin counting from the last correct number I remember. What can it hurt? I rock out an extra couple reps? Not a bad problem to have.

I just think it's funny that I feel great, been in the gym 7 days a week (sometimes 2x/day) but I can't do something so simple that even kindergarteners would do with flying colors.

I know what you mean, I can get pretty out of it when I am on a diet! It's embarrassing!
I quit counting reps years ago. To me, counting reps just breaks your concentration on the movement cause you're to worried about what rep you are on. Just keep pumping out reps till you feel the blood completely filling up the muscle you are working. :bench:
Well glad to know I'm not alone. I'm not a ditz, but now I'm starting to feel like one.

And thanks Gabe, you're right... having that mind-muscle connection is much more important than the number of reps, but I try to have an idea of how much I'm doing.

What does Presser's signature say... something like 'don't count the reps, make the reps count?' Good tip! :show:
Sometimes CH3NO2 will ask me how many that was, and I'll say, "fuck if I know'. I was just making sure he didn't get stuck. More and more I find myself not counting reps.
i usually just count in sets of numbers

for ex...
if im doing 15 reps ill count 3 sets of 5
if im doing 12 reps ill count 2 sets of 6

when dieting and physically draining yourself the last thing we need is do lose a few reps
On a precontest diet I'm lucky if I can remember to tie BOTH shoes. I get fucking retarded.... and violent.