MLB Home run Derby

sosa just ran out of gas...but he was crushing those things!!!524ft!!!averaged like 477ft on 12 homeruns!!
...yeah Sosa was off the charts...he put on a show and took it way more serious than anyone else...
I'm just happy that Barry Bonds was a big dissapointment. I hate that arragant f*ck. That's irony though, that the biggest juicer of all came up the smallest. That's because aas doensn't make your heart bigger and he's got none.
and Bonds said he never uses, yeah ah-huh. i talked with him in person before at a dealership, he's not a small guy.
what's Bonds like 240 now or something? when he played for the pirates he was skinney, now hes massive and hitting alot of homers.
who cares what bonds says....what do most of us tell others when they ask???!!!the same thing bonds does only we r not in the national i say...get off his back