mm... little confused.


New member
i am at the begining of week 3rd teste/deca/winny,i weighed myself today and i lost 3 lbs on scale?? i thought i will gain some lbs....but when i checked myself in the mirror i looked different,arms,shoulder and trap look little fuller.and my mid section looks leaner,but not dramaticly.i eat 8 meals a day,pretty clean and a lot.why's that?
yes sir this is what you want as long as diminsions are gaining take some measurements prob just lean body mass and that my friend is what we are all after.
The mirror is a much better indicator than a scale IMO.

When I am focusing on the scale though, I'm sure to NEVER weigh myself more than once per week and only weight myself at the same time, in the same manner as before. Such as, when I wake up on Friday before breakfast and only in my underwear. If that's your regimine and you end up weighing in on Monday night because you're "just curious" you could fuck up your diet and training all week because of a stupid reading on a scale that shouldn't have meant anything. It can fuck with your mind man....

Or am I just paranoid, lol.
i agree jay
i havent looked at the scale in over 2 weeks
cause if its not what i want it to say then im going to get discouraged
Yeah, I hate the scale. I don't know about the rest of you, but I can see even small changes in size when I look in the mirror so I'm encouraged when I can see I'm gaining size.
4 weeks for me is when my deca and EQ REALLY kick. It should be comeing up bro. Be patient (I know you have already) but how are your workouts? If they're great than you've already suceeded, that's the whole geining, the lokk wil come later. If you;re getting much mor out of your workouts, then you're well on your way.
Jay why would anyone use Deca and EQ together???? They work very close as the same I feel it is a total waste of 1 or the other...
38532nd said:
Jay why would anyone use Deca and EQ together???? They work very close as the same I feel it is a total waste of 1 or the other...

You are 150% wrong in this statement. This is a very common misconception among the inexperienced or uneducated. Please research the differences as stacking these together have brought many people great results.
ok boys and men,i am at begining of week 7th today,i weighed myself....damn..i lost 4 pounds!? i thought i am gonna gain weights....but when i measured my arm they got 1/2 bigger,i look fuller,leaner and waist line got little that what we trying to get?? the scale made me little unhappy.......