mods only about tren

you don't have to double it, you just have to take more often in order to take advantage of the shorter estered test,test prop has a half life of 4.5 days, but works best when inj. EOD, I've done it every 3rd day and been fine. Since you're doing the tren EOD just throw in 1/2 ml of omna w/ it and you'll be fine. ED pokes of tren aren't worth the hassle IMO. Be patient, once eveything gets flowing you'll be very happy....
so I don't have to do 500mg? I can just do 250 mg/week but take 125mg twice a week??? That would be great if that is all I need. Was that what you meant
yes and no, you don't have to double your dosage cuz it's omna, we're saying 250mgs a week of any test is too low. at that amount all you are doing is replacing about the same amount of test that your body would have normally produced, so then you're basically on a tren/dbol cycle. you will see gains of that,tren is awesome, but probably not what you're hoping for. I'd thow a 1/2 cc of omna in w/ the tren, that gives you an average 437.5mg/week. this will take atvantage of the test prop and keep the test levels on the lower side, which seems to be you're goal...and yes, you should have gone w/ enthenate, cheaper and easier....:D
your body produces 11mg a day of test. that would be 77 mg./week. When you take 250mg. of test, your really taking it per day and then it drops off to 0 after 3-4 weeks. I have put on 25 pounds on just test before. So 1/2ml of omna eod for 3 times a week or 4?
when you are taking 250mgs of test ,it is not per day, all AS has an ester, which dictates the half life, in the case of omna there are 4. with EOD shots some weeks there are 3 inj. the next there are 4, that's why I said an average. one week it'll be 375, the next it'll be 500, but the daily amount(62.5)will be consistant, and that's what matters.

So if the body produces an average of 77mgs of test a week and you want to use 250mg, that's roughly 3X the natural level. If that's your goal then go for it... so you'd have to add 1/4ml of omna w/ the EOD of fina, good luck measuring that!
1) I'd recommend using the omna on a M, W, F scheme.

2) Don't use dbol and drol at the same time. You might as well go to a keg party 5 nights a wk instead. You're liver would appreciate that more.

3) The cough from fina (like brew mentioned) isn't from BA, BB etc but from the binders in the pellets. People always think you get the glues and stuff out well it's next to impossible esp. when doing the ol' magic oil, bake and whatman scenario. Trenbolone acetate, the active component in the fina, if bought in powder form won't give you that annoying cough.

4) I've never used omna but basically same thing as sust but cheaper. I'd personally go with at least .50 ml/cc on M, W, F. That would be 375 mgs per week which should be more than suffice some decent gains without alot of bloat and water weight.

5) Take the dbol at 3 times during the day am, noonish and pm it will help maintain a better and more stable blood level. Also take it with red grapefruit juice which helps extend the 1/2 life by about an hr for some weird reason like acidity or ph content.

6) If concerned about water weight then get on some aromasin which would help with IGF release and allow a better cholesterol profile as strider posted in the STICKY area.
well said bro! its cheaper to make bro is what i meant and less goes into its production, its more expensive to buy on the Bm because the misconception it has more esters it must be better is false, just lack of knowledge makes it more expensive in a sense. got it, listen to proud he is correct here, along with the folowing PCTs after the omna use in a few weeks.

Also there was a sticky I saew about clomid use after in the area posted by strider too that could help you too about when to start and a read on omna(sust,durateston) all the same stuff.

good luck hope this helps