mods vets, pls comment--big problems with Ttokkyo labs?!

I have to say I at least agree with the TT assessment. When the TT Deca first came out I got a few bottles for a couple friends of mine. THey had nothing but raves for it. They spoke so highly of it that I decided to throw some in my cycle last fall as well. So I get a couple bottles for myself and a couple for one of the guys I had helped before. Neither of us got shit from it. Now I don't particularly get that much from deca anyway, but it at least lubes the joints somewhat. I went through two bottles and it didn't seem to do anything. Same story for my friend who is usually a decamaniac. From now on the only products I'll buy from Mex are Denkall and maybe QV.
I agree

Look this is a great post ive used all of the vet gear , I mega dose for long periods of time thats why I have good results. If you use the vet gear you know what youre getting into, if not you shouldnt be juicing do some more research and re aproach the game. The companys in mex are doing biz as usual the same way it goes whith narcotics in mex they know the buyers are amercians and they if you have ever been in a mex pharmacy take a look at the person selling you the gear is it ronnie colmans double , i dont think so more like a bone rack.In this game we could all get together and right letters and complain and it wont do jack. Look at the weed smokers there always bitchin about there weed in just about all of the states you will still get pinched for a joint and even if you have a script for it youre still going to court and loosing cash.I was all pissed at one time about this same isue, I can relate my advise do like I and a lot of others do get over it and move around it adapt try paying more for human or mega dosing the vet stuff either way I dont mean to offend any one this is a great bourd and thats my two cent Thanks guys
You sure you don't give a shit about what you put into your body, and how much, as long as you grow?

Sounds more like you been megadosing crack.


The thing about their drol is it's quite spendy and when you calculate how many tabs you need to take to see any kind of result it's ridiculously expensive .
ive only used mexican vet gear. its basically all i can get sometimes. ive had great gains with it. ive never used the ttokkyo drols but i think im gona stay away from them. i guess it'll work for some people and it wont for others
regardless of what people think about TT products. sometimes that's all you can get if you don't wanna worry about customs.

basically i've only used mexi gear in the past except for a couple of times i got my hands on some omnadrens and some organon's susts (both great!!). in regards to tt's shit.. thier sust blend hurt like a mofo, but worked well.. thier EQ I LOVE, thier deca i've never used but i know bro's who love it.... other then that.. the rest of thier shit i've never come accross personally. i'm not sure what sources think, but sometimes between price and availability... the options are tt, or brovel... tornel... or qv.

i've tried qv shit.. and it seemed to work well.. but at the same time .. tt hasn't done me wrong in the past yet. however i'm not a mass gainer too often so i don't use dbol/anadrol or anything that blows you up quick.. and leaves twice as fast.. my .02 are worthless here except for the most common of tt's products (EQ and deca). I still stand behind thier eq though... always.. ALWAYS kicked ass and who doesn't like 200mg/ml?)