Mods Wanted for Pm presser

at least your reading these posts and we know your

Removed your testes..ouch!
Nah, has to do with my last name. It was a nickname I got when I played football in highschool.

Yeah, I am very interested. I wanna learn more about bodybuilding and meet some good bros on here. I figure to be the best, you need to hang around the best and there aren't many bodybuilders where I live.
I have learned alot from these guys... stick around and see for yourself..
Not any bodybuilders where you live huh where is that?
South Arkansas. Its not a big thing here. Actually there isn't much here to begin with. I can't believe how knowledgable some of the people on this board are about various things. I just want to learn as much as I can about this game and I hope Presser gives me a chance.;) Guess he is on vacation or something.
Well, typically the position requires some knowledge. I myself have used gear and trained over ten years. Being a MOD requires being able to answer complex questions regarding training, use of gear and safety as well as nutrition. Aside from that you absolutely must have had some oaty-oat experience :)
Yeah, I know something about it. I am a Chemical engineering intern this summer and I have a BSN degree (nurse). I hate nursing now so I went back to school to become a CHEG. I have but 2 cycles under my belt but I never do anything without extensive research. I have been following this scene for about two years now. Not many people know more about diet than I do but gear may be another story. I have only been around that for about 2 years and there are some types of gear I don't mess with and those I have no experiance with. The more common ones I do however. I have lifted since I was 12. I am not a huge guy (yet) but I know quiet a bit about working out and number of reps and workouts to do different things for your body. That is what I bring to the table. If it is good enough, I would love to mod for this board. If it isn't, I will stick around till I can mod. Kinda like fight club. I won't try oaty oats though, gotta draw the line somewhere...I mean, I have standerds you know:p
No oaty-oats? What the hells the matter with ya boy!?!?!? :)

I'm new here dude. I have no say in the matter. Take it up with the lord....oops I mean presser.
damn cant believe i missed this thread, and I am always logged in , I am set on invisible mode though, otherwise everyone and their mother pms me, the moms i dont mind though,lol

anyhow just stick aroud bro, we are adding alot of mods soon and later on as well, so get some posts under ur belt and knowledge ya know, you seem level headed enough to me,

as for the oaty oats, you guys are all fucked up, we still need that shrink mod position filled and soon
CYPHON said:
Wife says :What ya eating hunny?
I say: Nuttin bitch........

RESULT= Testes permantly removed.

Point well taken strider :)

This is a classic case of derangement:D
Kewl, I always troll but I hardly post. I will put some thoughts out there and see what people have to say about it.

we still need that shrink mod position filled and soon

Heh, I am a totally self obsorbed person with absolutely no time for psychos. Can I fill that position:eek:
yeah bro join in more conversations, cant judge a guy on 14 posts ya know
you all laugh at me because im different, i laugh at you because your all the

who are you calling deranged? I want to be the local BB shring MOD..please can i can i?
strider said:
you all laugh at me because im different, i laugh at you because your all the

who are you calling deranged? I want to be the local BB shring MOD..please can i can i?
