Money on supplements??

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I was sitting down looking through the check book today and was looking at how much I spend on supplements in a particular month. I'm not talking like gear, just on protein, vitamins and things like that. I spend nearly $200 a month on this stuff, I never really thought much about it. What do you guys spend? I thought it was a lot, but it might not be in comparison
I spend about 200 also, mainly on protein and pre workout drinks.

Yea, i buy Muscle Milk RTD by the case and then through in a multi and other little things here and there and it adds up. I can normally find a buddy to go half on stuff with me and I normally bump the price up a little so he pays for a little more than half because I can get deals on certain things and he's only seeing the price from stores and things like that so he's willing to pay what he sees there. I don't rape him, but if he sees the price of something at say $40 and I can get it for $30, I let him think it was $40 and I only have to pay $10 if he splits it with me. It's a dick thing to do, but hey, I gotta look out for my pocket too lol
we actually are looking into RTDs. You'll just have to add your own liquid and itll all be set
oh, you should try us anyway...the RTDs are all but in the works... I have to ramp up production in other areas and im waiting on some new art work for the labeling for them...They should be reasonable too...offered in whey isolate and pro blend varieties. 40g protein per serving...just add water or whatever liquid you feel
Seems very high. I use Muscle feast for protein and purebulk for others. Dont spend near that. maybe your using too much?? Your body cant absorb more than say 30-40 grams at best of protein at any 2hr window. I could be wrong, you guys are usually schooling me here.
Seems very high. I use Muscle feast for protein and purebulk for others. Dont spend near that. maybe your using too much?? Your body cant absorb more than say 30-40 grams at best of protein at any 2hr window. I could be wrong, you guys are usually schooling me here.

I don't spend the whole $200 on protein, probably close to half....animal pak, bcaa, vanadyl sulfate, thermogenic, shit like that just add up