
MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Tell me why by law I can't get Blood pressure meds and such from other countries without a RX?

I am so fucking tired of these incompetent ass primary docs that I just lost my shit on the phone with them.
Again for the 8th time this year 1 out of 2 scripts were called in, the other was not. I asked why I have to hold their fucking hands every single time or the work doesn't get done, and they tell me they don't appreciate cursing on the phone. I don't appreciate needing to do other peoples jobs for my health or it doesn't get done, and they are the ones getting paid. I also don't appreciate having an APPOINTMENT 30 FUCKING MINUTES after the office opens to still wait an hour before I go to the little waiting room to wait another 15 minutes.

This Mafia healthcare system has to fucking go.

Why can someone not buy a $3 epipen from Europe when it costs $1500 here, for the same exact thing? Ohhh lobbying I forgot.

This whole "opiod epidemic" is just one more way to make it even more difficult to get scripts in through other countries, bc I will tell you with 100% certainty that the Govt does not give 2 shits if joe and sally smith die.

Capitalistic economy my ass.

I literally said I have worked in healthcare for over 15 years & if I did any single thing that I mentioned that is continually occuring at your office I'd be fired, so why is this acceptable?

The answer is? "Find a new PCP" right? Well funny bc they all do the same exact fucking thing. I just read the reviews (as if I didn't already know) for my area and each and every one is exactly the same.

If I am in the ER and volume comes in at whatever capacity, the expectation is to work faster, in a direct contrast an APPOINTMENT is over an hour behind 30 minutes after an office opens. How is this even fucking possible?

Sincerely yours
Sorry on road couldn't read whole post..

With an American Dr script 1x per year on non- narcotic meds I believe we are allowed to order from online GMP Pharma's abroad!!! I will check the law, but if u wanna pay out your pocket thinks it's allowed brother!! If customers gets it u can declare it with your script and it's allowed if criteria is met...

I can't post it and not giving it out the info but alot of places carry BP meds... some that carry PED's and it's Pharma branded straight up and cheaper than any US Pharma....

Working on a car will look at this later

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Thank you dude, If I can get my losartan, ambien, and alprazolam (All need due to chronic kidney disease which causes High BP, not being able to sleep at night and anxiety, which all those indivual things exasperate each other, I will absolutely stop going through my PCP, but then that means I don't have a script if a company needs it.

I literally have daily and nightly back pain from working 47% of my life in healthcare, I stopped going to pain management after 6 years bc I don't want to keep taking prescribed pain meds, and stopped cold turkey about 6 months ago. I have had an Inguinal hernia with repair and broken wrist with repair both from moving patients, and my Career is looked at like a fucking joke. If I were in the Military with these issues I'd be a hero. If there is a bomb threat, an active shooter, violent person, threats of someone coming in to kill everyone in my specific department, I have to continue to work and continue to be in a productive, efficient state with my patients. I couldn't be more frustrated and it is getting worse. I am trying to deal with these issues as best as I can but I will tell you right now I drink to take my mind off the ridiculous amount of pain in my back that radiates to my ribs anteriorly to the point to where if I were single with no kids I probably would not be breathing right now on my own accord. This is honest, from the heart open as possible talk. I can't say this to people I know bc than they would worry but I am 33 and all this is going on for roughly 20% of my life already. I am working out again, had to stop doing Jiu Jitsu due to the amount of pain I was in once I electively stopped take prescribed pain meds 4 times a day and I do not want to take them anymore. I want to bust my ass in every single thing I do, but even at a theme park I can't enjoy myself bc the level of pain I am in. Chronic kidney disease typically will reduce your life expectancy 20+ years and I have knowingly had it since 28.

All this shit with the doctors office shenanigans just amplifies my frustration tremendously.

I truly thank you for looking into this esp since it's long amount of shit I wrote. I don't want to be this person. I want to be me again, and am going to setup a facet block injection appt soon, on my own accord, bc thankfully being in my scope of practice this long I know everyone in the area. This may or may not work bc I have heard everything from facet blocks don't work at all, to they worked for 2 weeks, to they work for 6 months. I take into account probably 50% of ppl in "chronic pain" are totally full of shit lazy fucks, so it's hard to get a good reading on what it will do. I have easily spent 16k in the last 6 years dealing with just the back issues alone, and that's with insurance, and that's with it being from working at a hospital, the hospital also is the insurance, and pharmacy, so it's pretty ironic, and sad.

When I tore my tricep tendon completely in 2010 and by law could not work in my career fields (more than one) I was unable to qualify for nothing despite having paid at the time more in taxes then most 50 year olds, despite providing my community with my health, despite directly saving over a dozen lives, & despite people that have never contributed anything to qualify for everything. That was the turning point of my view on certain topics. Sorry for the long read.
Thank you dude, If I can get my losartan, ambien, and alprazolam (All need due to chronic kidney disease which causes High BP, not being able to sleep at night and anxiety, which all those indivual things exasperate each other, I will absolutely stop going through my PCP, but then that means I don't have a script if a company needs it.

I literally have daily and nightly back pain from working 47% of my life in healthcare, I stopped going to pain management after 6 years bc I don't want to keep taking prescribed pain meds, and stopped cold turkey about 6 months ago. I have had an Inguinal hernia with repair and broken wrist with repair both from moving patients, and my Career is looked at like a fucking joke. If I were in the Military with these issues I'd be a hero. If there is a bomb threat, an active shooter, violent person, threats of someone coming in to kill everyone in my specific department, I have to continue to work and continue to be in a productive, efficient state with my patients. I couldn't be more frustrated and it is getting worse. I am trying to deal with these issues as best as I can but I will tell you right now I drink to take my mind off the ridiculous amount of pain in my back that radiates to my ribs anteriorly to the point to where if I were single with no kids I probably would not be breathing right now on my own accord. This is honest, from the heart open as possible talk. I can't say this to people I know bc than they would worry but I am 33 and all this is going on for roughly 20% of my life already. I am working out again, had to stop doing Jiu Jitsu due to the amount of pain I was in once I electively stopped take prescribed pain meds 4 times a day and I do not want to take them anymore. I want to bust my ass in every single thing I do, but even at a theme park I can't enjoy myself bc the level of pain I am in. Chronic kidney disease typically will reduce your life expectancy 20+ years and I have knowingly had it since 28.

All this shit with the doctors office shenanigans just amplifies my frustration tremendously.

I truly thank you for looking into this esp since it's long amount of shit I wrote. I don't want to be this person. I want to be me again, and am going to setup a facet block injection appt soon, on my own accord, bc thankfully being in my scope of practice this long I know everyone in the area. This may or may not work bc I have heard everything from facet blocks don't work at all, to they worked for 2 weeks, to they work for 6 months. I take into account probably 50% of ppl in "chronic pain" are totally full of shit lazy fucks, so it's hard to get a good reading on what it will do. I have easily spent 16k in the last 6 years dealing with just the back issues alone, and that's with insurance, and that's with it being from working at a hospital, the hospital also is the insurance, and pharmacy, so it's pretty ironic, and sad.

When I tore my tricep tendon completely in 2010 and by law could not work in my career fields (more than one) I was unable to qualify for nothing despite having paid at the time more in taxes then most 50 year olds, despite providing my community with my health, despite directly saving over a dozen lives, & despite people that have never contributed anything to qualify for everything. That was the turning point of my view on certain topics. Sorry for the long read.
We all need to talk, and some of us here understand.
Being u were open here I go.
Lumber Back L4, L5, S1 Cervical spine c4, c5, c6 bulging, herniated and disc disease...
Car wreck at 28, I am 43 now. Pain management ended up at methadone clinic then buprenorphine at low 8mg a day dose one since 2006... never misused or took pain med again had surgery's 2 hernia both grions and 1 more umbilical... hand surgery back and neck injections never let them operate on back or neck, YET!!
I also take Adderal 40mg for adhd, Clonazepam 1mg after work.
All from Dr can't take risk either...
Need job and clean piss test with scripts..
For surgery's alot more hemorrhoids and all, no nothing but Toradol and Versed in IV, with spinal tap... refused anything else and they said this is rare we will monitor u for shock... I was fine every time....
I can't do MMA for sure but anything else but deadlifts if proper form used!!

I been using CBD oil NO THC around 16mg a day. Helps I am mechanic diesel big equipment arthritis bad. And L-theanine I lowered Clonazepam to around 0.5mg.
L-THEANINE 300-500mg in afternoon...

A family member has kidney disease he is at 20% function. He has genetic type...
See his struggles... he is on TRT and high dose, adex, some bezno and pain meds and he is ok but gets sick serveral times year. He says transplant only good for 15 years and is in clinical trial treatments. Holding off as long as possible. Then offered him hgh but it's high and they wanna wait but maybe just keeping that a secret...

I myself use Cialis on my own at 10mg a day for my bp.. I know kidney disease causes reabsorbing that needs to be controlled by blocking those things that class of bp meds blocks...

But hang in there, I see one Dr been seeing 20 years for my reg meds and a Internal med Dr for my TRT stuff. They know I pull no fast one I use insurance as much as it covers...

This medical system sucks and country does. My mother in law lost husband she is in 50s he died heart attack at 50... she had 5 by pass heart surgery this year.
She can't work yet. No one will hire her, not eligible for his benifits or hers at all...
They do nothing. I have paid bills since January for her. I pay my dues in all ways to society and help those in need and a break not only doesn't come but I have crap that i Gotta deal with because people can be cruel in this world....

Keep your head up if u knew my whole story u prolly would be grafeful... still I am grateful because I will get thru this by being a good man!!! My kids will be proud of me even they already know I am their hero, I will do my best to be remembered as a good man who never gave up, and gave shirt off my back shoes off my feet and those who wanna be cruel they gotta live with that...

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As far as right now, I know this for fact without looking it up.

If someone gets US script on meds u mentioned u can go to Mexico get script there and they will mail u meds legally with script by both countries. This is a fact...
1x a years necessary by US Dr and Mexican Dr for legit conditions...

On other meds with Dr script u can order thru online Pharma programs and refill thru them. There see even some in our country and they see about your refills and schedule your checkups.
They have people all over that can stop by.
Insurance covers alot because price is much cheaper...

But let me look into criteria needed from abroad without going to their Dr. Certain meds like bp meds can be purchased this way. Benzos too but with benzos not sure the law but with reasonable amounts with script fda paper work is available...
I will check for sure on these..

I have no problems at all getting my meds in my state none at all. See TRT ev 6 months and other Dr 1x per month. Controlled schedule 2 and 3 make this happen but it's clock work and Dr not screwing me at all its the law...
150 cash a month insurance covers one of meds but not Dr for script of it..
But I have no trouble funny thing is I gotta do random drug screen every so often with bottle count checks. And visit quick screen every month...
But it's flat rate 150 month
Meds all 15$ copay
Test cyp 20 copay and TRT Dr 40 copay with 500 deductible for insurance before labs covered at 80%...

I just bite bullet and know it's small price to pay for some of what i let happen to myself and if they give me better life by being my best then it's worth it...

But lucky I am doing ok atm, even though I got a violence issue that screws me out if job. Had to work for myself LLC lucky I had experience in trade with good name and reputation or I would be victim of a fucked up system even though I still am but there is always a way always.
When I door closes if we don't give up and look for that window to open it always will, but we gotta chose the right path.
Sometimes being humble and changing the best way. We sometimes will never see it otherwise...

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I hear you brother. Remember our healthcare system here in the US is a business. Profit is the #1 goal not your health. Big pharma is a joke. Tell me why you can get the same exact medication from the same manufactures for a fraction of the price in other countries? As for pain management, cannabis and kratom is a godsend. I thought kratom was a joke until I tried it. I got caught up with the norco/vicodin years ago. Kratom was the answer for me. My wife has some type of nerve pain in her legs. I did not want her to get hook to pain meds like myself, so I convinced her to try cannabis (high CBD/ low thc) strain. Guess what? It worked.

MM and Metal85, please be careful with those benzos. It's hell to get off. It took me over a year to wean myself off temazepam. I didn't know anything about benzos until I went a few days without taking it. I thought I was going to lose my mind (no joke). I had never suffered from a panic attack before in my life. Please look into passion flower. I know I went off topic here, but I had to speak my mind. Good luck guys..
I hear you brother. Remember our healthcare system here in the US is a business. Profit is the #1 goal not your health. Big pharma is a joke. Tell me why you can get the same exact medication from the same manufactures for a fraction of the price in other countries? As for pain management, cannabis and kratom is a godsend. I thought kratom was a joke until I tried it. I got caught up with the norco/vicodin years ago. Kratom was the answer for me. My wife has some type of nerve pain in her legs. I did not want her to get hook to pain meds like myself, so I convinced her to try cannabis (high CBD/ low thc) strain. Guess what? It worked.

MM and Metal85, please be careful with those benzos. It's hell to get off. It took me over a year to wean myself off temazepam. I didn't know anything about benzos until I went a few days without taking it. I thought I was going to lose my mind (no joke). I had never suffered from a panic attack before in my life. Please look into passion flower. I know I went off topic here, but I had to speak my mind. Good luck guys..
I was on Xanax years ago...
Never again...
I only take 0.5-1mg Clonazapam per night.
Lowest dose and don't go up..
Had seizures getting off Xanax will never ever take more benzos than 1mg Clonazapam again..
Got on Clonazapam because I am adhd. Meds make me tense and will take no other benzo... Xanax and Ativan too fast acting and tolerance builds too fast and rebound anxiety comes between doses, Valium too long acting and it's not noticed but slurred speech and build up becomes a major issue...
Clonazapam is different acting and it's 30 hour half life works great and it's not like valium or Xanax... the metabolite that builds in fat cells leaves body in less than 2 hours... reason unless one takes very large dose of Clonazapam it doesn't come up in drug screen...

So yes benzos are the devil himself be careful of choosing and dose should be kept low..

I don't even take mine everyday and when I miss no big deal. I have 3 bottles full that roll over from one month to next... no drug will ever control me again....

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I hear you brother. Remember our healthcare system here in the US is a business. Profit is the #1 goal not your health. Big pharma is a joke. Tell me why you can get the same exact medication from the same manufactures for a fraction of the price in other countries? As for pain management, cannabis and kratom is a godsend. I thought kratom was a joke until I tried it. I got caught up with the norco/vicodin years ago. Kratom was the answer for me. My wife has some type of nerve pain in her legs. I did not want her to get hook to pain meds like myself, so I convinced her to try cannabis (high CBD/ low thc) strain. Guess what? It worked.

MM and Metal85, please be careful with those benzos. It's hell to get off. It took me over a year to wean myself off temazepam. I didn't know anything about benzos until I went a few days without taking it. I thought I was going to lose my mind (no joke). I had never suffered from a panic attack before in my life. Please look into passion flower. I know I went off topic here, but I had to speak my mind. Good luck guys..
As in other post learned lesson with benzos and pain meds..
That 1mg Clonazapam is all I will ever take. 0.5mg 1-2 afternoon.
Adderall gives me tension and Clonazapam helps. My Dr knows my history..
This is reason I started L-theanine and CBD no THC!! I use nothing that gives a buzz been sober since 2006..
Reason Clonazapam is that tension from adhd meds aggravates my c4-c6 bulging disc...
That dose I have gotten off of several times a year just to know I don't NEED IT!!
when I get off I take Celexa 20mg at night...
I also am OCD, ADHD, very hyper the truth is I eat all my kids food more than I diet.
I can't stay in one place to focus without adhd meds. I eat standing up.
I only sit to drive. Sitting kills my back L5-S1 there. Been on buprenorphine 8mg since 06 as well. It's was unheard of for potinual for abuse back then...
New breed of Users get high on stuff that makes someone sick... unreal..
I used so many opiates I never can recover was even on methadone for years and that only made me normal too. Only people that get a high have no business being on methadone of buprenorphine..
They are for opiate tolerant patients or those that body doesn't adjust without opiates and or those who have legit pain and avoid pain meds at all cost..
So that is me.
Medical system Screwed me by addicting me to pills. Very carefully what u take and no opiate goes in my IV period during surgery and I throw my extra meds away after they pile up.
I only keep incase I go out of state for work cause I do sometimes...
I am ok with no buzz ever again..
I do have 2 drinks now and then, people in my life would not believe me if i told them I was ever on or addicted to a drug.
Everyone thinks I was in military or a "Cop"
Lmao!!! I am the Narc at work not a Narc but "Not Cool" don't let him see, I am treated and it's all good I like that image...

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As in other post learned lesson with benzos and pain meds..
That 1mg Clonazapam is all I will ever take. 0.5mg 1-2 afternoon.
Adderall gives me tension and Clonazapam helps. My Dr knows my history..
This is reason I started L-theanine and CBD no THC!! I use nothing that gives a buzz been sober since 2006..
Reason Clonazapam is that tension from adhd meds aggravates my c4-c6 bulging disc...
That dose I have gotten off of several times a year just to know I don't NEED IT!!
when I get off I take Celexa 20mg at night...
I also am OCD, ADHD, very hyper the truth is I eat all my kids food more than I diet.
I can't stay in one place to focus without adhd meds. I eat standing up.
I only sit to drive. Sitting kills my back L5-S1 there. Been on buprenorphine 8mg since 06 as well. It's was unheard of for potinual for abuse back then...
New breed of Users get high on stuff that makes someone sick... unreal..
I used so many opiates I never can recover was even on methadone for years and that only made me normal too. Only people that get a high have no business being on methadone of buprenorphine..
They are for opiate tolerant patients or those that body doesn't adjust without opiates and or those who have legit pain and avoid pain meds at all cost..
So that is me.
Medical system Screwed me by addicting me to pills. Very carefully what u take and no opiate goes in my IV period during surgery and I throw my extra meds away after they pile up.
I only keep incase I go out of state for work cause I do sometimes...
I am ok with no buzz ever again..
I do have 2 drinks now and then, people in my life would not believe me if i told them I was ever on or addicted to a drug.
Everyone thinks I was in military or a "Cop"
Lmao!!! I am the Narc at work not a Narc but "Not Cool" don't let him see, I am treated and it's all good I like that image...

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Have you tried kratom? We had a vendor here on MC who gave me some Red Bali. You don't get high from it. You just feel normal. It cuts the urge for any opiates. It really does work. I only take 6 grams and I'm good to go.
Have you tried kratom? We had a vendor here on MC who gave me some Red Bali. You don't get high from it. You just feel normal. It cuts the urge for any opiates. It really does work. I only take 6 grams and I'm good to go.
It is blocked by partial
Agonist/ antagonist buprenorphine I been on like 13 years...
Tried they do nothing for me...

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The funny thing is I take 1/3rd typically the amount of xanax that I prescribed so it lasts, but they took it off my chart without telling me, called the script in friday (this is last month when they fucked up) out of 2 meds they didnt call the xanax in, it had been about 3 months sice I refilled it, and I had to wait until Monday to get it resolved bc the dr's office fuck up is my fault. My wife called and told them that A) they can't take me off a med without telling me B) they took me off of it bc they thought (for some chart mistake by themselves) I was on a med that I am not C) I could have seizures now bc their fuck up. That was last month.

I forget all what I mentioned last week but I blew up on the phone with them bc again it was a fuck up and why do I have to hold their fucking hands every single time.
Everything I take is with a Script as well, I want to not have to go through this though. If I didn't mind gaps in my meds (which by no means should happen having Hospital insurance and working 47% of life in Healthcare) I would be fine.

I also want to know why the givernment has any say what so ever in how often I need an appointment now (every 3 month) for Ambien. I have my Own insurance, not Government insurance, That I pay for, not the Govt, and I don't and never did have Govt assistance. SO why the fuck do they have a say? I could see if they were paying for it. On top of that the appointment isn't like blood testing me to see if I have ambien in my system, so how does the appt reflect the med?

I have bought that one out of country before with no script, even though I legally had a script here bc the gaps kept happening.

As far as not being on an anxiety med, I am so anxious that if I didn't take it I would have a meltdown and probably get into a physical altercation bc the bulk population are retards. SO take that or lose my National certifications, and State licensures...….

The chronic kidney disease exasperates anxiety, not being able to sleep well, and gets your B/P up. I elected to stop taking pain meds that was legally prescribed. Well high anxiety raises bp, also raises pain. High pain raises anxiety and BP. High BP raises anxiety. Anxiety gives you shitty sleep. Shitty sleep raises anxiety and BP. haha it's an amazing tennis match making each thing worse. Not to mention The worse your heart is, the worse your kidneys are, and vice versa.

I am only doing a TRT level, my old BP med worked well (bystollic) but I need to be on an ARB bc my kidneys, and it's been high again, and I don't want to take 3000 things, not only for not taking that many, but also the cost, and the fact that each med I need called in is a giant hassle every single time.

I have the back doc looking into my chart today to see about these facet blocks, that I really tried to avoid, but hopefully this takes care of that issue.

Sorry to hear you have had so many health issues my man.

With my CKD if I get a transplant it may not even last 15 years. Glomulerscerosis doesn't go to any other organs, but typically with a new kidney it will happen to it within a few years as well. I hope I never need that or dialysis. I hope to God I never need either...
I hear you brother. Remember our healthcare system here in the US is a business. Profit is the #1 goal not your health. Big pharma is a joke. Tell me why you can get the same exact medication from the same manufactures for a fraction of the price in other countries? As for pain management, cannabis and kratom is a godsend. I thought kratom was a joke until I tried it. I got caught up with the norco/vicodin years ago. Kratom was the answer for me. My wife has some type of nerve pain in her legs. I did not want her to get hook to pain meds like myself, so I convinced her to try cannabis (high CBD/ low thc) strain. Guess what? It worked.

MM and Metal85, please be careful with those benzos. It's hell to get off. It took me over a year to wean myself off temazepam. I didn't know anything about benzos until I went a few days without taking it. I thought I was going to lose my mind (no joke). I had never suffered from a panic attack before in my life. Please look into passion flower. I know I went off topic here, but I had to speak my mind. Good luck guys..

I have tried kratom and CBD w not THC didn't do anything for my back pain at all. I actually got my Medical marijuana card this year. Tried a vape pen for the first time ever, it was brand new hand delivered to my door, I charge it, I put the oil thing in...… I take a draw and see no smoke. I take another draw, still no smoke. I then realize it was broken, the 800mg THC oil sprayed to the back of my throat and tongue as I now taste this (all with in seconds).
I call the company right away to tell them it's broken and this is what happens.

I call. They answer.
2 mins into the conversation I am so high that I literally can hear my voice echoing and didn't know if I actually said what I thought I said, or if it was in my head.
I was fucking High as shit for like 10 hours. I never smoked weed. Been around it my whole life growing up until I was an adult though.
I then findo out that my body digested it bc it was swallowed and your liver breaks it down differently, and with my kidneys, they aren't removing the toxins so it's staying in my system. Long story short I do not do that shit. Fuck all that. I felt like I had dementia.
Being this went in a way towards Benzo's
From my experience that i shared they can be a nightmare.

I am no Dr, but from experience if a Benzo will be used as a patient I chose to use Clonazepam for it's better long half-life and it's less habit forming IMO!! Just a little works all day for myself.

0.5mg to 1mg max to prevent dependence to get out of hand.....

I stated CBD oil (No THC) just CBD. I am only using around 16-24mg of CBD a day.
I am now taking half in morning and half in early evening around 6pm... I am also using L-theanine at 300-600mg once stomach empty before bed.. I was able to sleep better and lower Clonazepam to around 0.5mg in evening.. getting better sleep and funny because I am using 65mg tren ace a day ATM...

I am sleeping 7-9 hours now with CBD, 400mg L-theanine and reduced 0.5mg Clonazapam!! As before at 1mg Clonazapam with no CBD or L-theanine I was sleeping maybe 4-5 hours on average...

Something that really helps sleep that i briefly tried was MK-677 at 12.5mg.
I took Mk-677 before bed and instantly got tired and slept well everytime. I am using 3.3iu HGH every morning so MK-677 was too much, I had gained water retention so stopped it. But if anyone struggling for good night sleep above 35 years old MK-677 worth a shot not only sleep but increased hgh and IGF levels equal to 2iu Pharma hgh can be experienced!!! Understand that besides better sleep the other benifits take 4-6 months to be accumulative, and noticed!! Same with hgh 4-6 months min to notice benifits and leaning out!!!!

But @metal these are just things I did and would do... as far as your meds, with your conditions with Kidney disease u need to find a good Dr who will see u and treat u as a patient and not a #....
My B.inlaw with Kidney disease sees a internal medicine Dr and goes to specialist in Alabama several states away. He goes to specialist every month to 3 months...he needs transplant but is putting off as long as possible. I know he is on TRT and it's like 3x my dose.. I am on 100mg TRT wk, he is on 400mg TRT wk with adex..
His levels higher than mine but now much dose is supposed to helped other things and he doesn't absorb as much or metabolism different. He is on a Benzo and Ambien u think for sleep. I pain med I don't know what.... they offered him hgh as well as he is in experimental treatments he signed up for with other meds he takes.
Hgh was like 1200 month with their insurance but their insurance sucks so No hgh for price reasons... He manages to work a job 40 hours a week. I am 43 and he is like 18 months older than me....

U meet criteria for meds u are on if u have kidney disease, but best advice is find a better Dr!!! As far as meds online I haven't look yet into legal or not legal... I already posted what I new was legal on scripts by order if someone has current American script..
What i do is bite the bullet!! When I got on Buprenorphine in 06 I was able to get 4 refills and saw Dr like every 5 months after i was stable patient with no relapse and doing well!! Laws changed around 2010-2011 and I had to start going every 4 weeks with NO refills because the bad screws things up for good. Problems with too many Dr's and clinics started giving Suboxone to anyone who went. These were addicts looking for a crutch for when they ran out their opiate of Choice which then was Oxy-contin!!! So these were not people who had enough and were ready to trade problem (opiate addiction) for a treatment maintaince medicine (buprenorphine). Until then Buprenorphine was unheard of and helping lots if people recover and never go back to opiates. They started going get this med selling it to fellow addicts as crutch to make it to pay day for their drug. They would use just enough to not get sick and then other drug... people got this in hands that were not even opiate tolerant and overdosing started...
About opiate epidemic is crazy....
In 2004 i went to pain management and when oxy's were too expensive at Pharma I was given methadone 40mg 4-5x a day!!!
With 5 lortab, 4 soma, and 60 Xanax bars a day.... the lortab paid for my 350$ month Dr visit they would do nothing.....
Laws changed with methadone and 40mg was removed Oxycontin and Diludid were controlled more and lortab too. This was prolly 2008-2014..... well they solved nothing because here came heroin and then came Phentnel even worse horse and elephant Phentnel that were more available thru less controlled animal grade sources.....
So we all taking a hit with this epidemic.. I missed it, I was part of oxy pain management wave of opiates. This new deal is something else and it even screws the person who had problem got it address with FDA approved drug for the condition and after being on it for 4-5 years regulations put me going 1x a month and never to this day had a problem

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The funny thing is I take 1/3rd typically the amount of xanax that I prescribed so it lasts, but they took it off my chart without telling me, called the script in friday (this is last month when they fucked up) out of 2 meds they didnt call the xanax in, it had been about 3 months sice I refilled it, and I had to wait until Monday to get it resolved bc the dr's office fuck up is my fault. My wife called and told them that A) they can't take me off a med without telling me B) they took me off of it bc they thought (for some chart mistake by themselves) I was on a med that I am not C) I could have seizures now bc their fuck up. That was last month.

I forget all what I mentioned last week but I blew up on the phone with them bc again it was a fuck up and why do I have to hold their fucking hands every single time.
Everything I take is with a Script as well, I want to not have to go through this though. If I didn't mind gaps in my meds (which by no means should happen having Hospital insurance and working 47% of life in Healthcare) I would be fine.

I also want to know why the givernment has any say what so ever in how often I need an appointment now (every 3 month) for Ambien. I have my Own insurance, not Government insurance, That I pay for, not the Govt, and I don't and never did have Govt assistance. SO why the fuck do they have a say? I could see if they were paying for it. On top of that the appointment isn't like blood testing me to see if I have ambien in my system, so how does the appt reflect the med?

I have bought that one out of country before with no script, even though I legally had a script here bc the gaps kept happening.

As far as not being on an anxiety med, I am so anxious that if I didn't take it I would have a meltdown and probably get into a physical altercation bc the bulk population are retards. SO take that or lose my National certifications, and State licensures...….

The chronic kidney disease exasperates anxiety, not being able to sleep well, and gets your B/P up. I elected to stop taking pain meds that was legally prescribed. Well high anxiety raises bp, also raises pain. High pain raises anxiety and BP. High BP raises anxiety. Anxiety gives you shitty sleep. Shitty sleep raises anxiety and BP. haha it's an amazing tennis match making each thing worse. Not to mention The worse your heart is, the worse your kidneys are, and vice versa.

I am only doing a TRT level, my old BP med worked well (bystollic) but I need to be on an ARB bc my kidneys, and it's been high again, and I don't want to take 3000 things, not only for not taking that many, but also the cost, and the fact that each med I need called in is a giant hassle every single time.

I have the back doc looking into my chart today to see about these facet blocks, that I really tried to avoid, but hopefully this takes care of that issue.

Sorry to hear you have had so many health issues my man.

With my CKD if I get a transplant it may not even last 15 years. Glomulerscerosis doesn't go to any other organs, but typically with a new kidney it will happen to it within a few years as well. I hope I never need that or dialysis. I hope to God I never need either...
I had sezure 6 different times from 1999 to 2005 from running out Xanax working out of state and not being able to get appointment in time when I would come back...
Be careful I do much better with lose dose Clonazapam than I did with Xanax though in all honesty...
I am scripted 1mg a day only but I take less than that most if time and accumated prolly 90 of them... if I am sent out of state for work I am good and will have time to get scrip if it falls I can't come back for appointment and out of state I can't fill refill even if I had one and Dr can't call in meds....

I understand anxiety my adhd meds help me with anxiety and the low dose Clonazapam. Without the adhd meds I am good for nothing. I treated myself for years and found out I needed to get back on adhd meds. As kid and early 20s I was on Ritilan, after my pain management thinking that was answer, after that Adderal was new med... not saying your like me.. lol!!
But my adhd is source if anxiety and Stimulants calm me down. But I still need low dose Benzo for tension, sleep, and anxiety without it o can't do Phlebotomy or cross a big bridge. I don't need it but 1x a day with the clonazepam and I can face these situations and many more I have...

I used Ambien for sleep time to time..
10mg works for me 5mg at first...
But not on it ATM... Lunesta is safer than Ambian, but don't compare at first...

@metal find a better Dr. Internal Medicine.
I guess I am lucky, my reg Dr I see 1x a month i been seeing over 20 years except during my pain management episode for 4-5 years in middle.. my other Internal Medicine Dr I been seeing for TRT I think y years now... I had to use 2 Dr's because insurance wouldn't cover Dr because of buprenorphine, so it covers other Dr and insurance covers all my meds... insurance won't cover other Dr because of buprenorphine but covers the med at Pharma.... makes no since but 3 providers or 4 over the course and it's all same...

Be patient be sure they get your shit together. If i were u I would say that u sitting in fear of having a seizure now caused panic anxiety about that...
Really they are not supposed to cut anyone off that med without weaning off.....
Let them know they made u developed more anxiety and phobia of seizure now and u feared it...

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I'm too stubborn to be addicted to anything. I was on pretty high opioids, asked to have him lower my meds to 4 percocets a day, and when I decided to come off those (6 years in total of being through pain management after injuring myself transferring a 600+ pound pt to a CT table at work) I came off cold turkey that day. My body had pain like I have never experienced before bc your body is smart. If you block pain receptors, it grows more. This is why your pain meds for chronic pain always have to be adjust up with time, however my stubbornness got me through that.

My nephrologist is great, I wonder if I could just get these things through his office instead to be honest, but most likely there is no Govt issue there as well for no fucking reason. I see him kind of randomly now. He told my GH will do nothing for my , but kidney disease is very different between each patient. I found out I had it when I was 28 but with all the high bp and retention I had the years prior to that I know I have had it longer. 33 now, so....

If your bro in law is spilling protein he probably wants to lower down a 400mg a week dosage too. Test is going to up the amount of protein. My levels got a good amount different when I ate all vegetarian for 3.5 weeks and did 24 hour urines before and after that, but my nephrologist told me with what I have you have flare ups, so it could have just been on one of those. That diet was ridiculously hard for me to do, but I feel like it really does help, although I didn't continue it.
I was getting sick about 4 to 6 times a year until I really started doing probiotics. Gut health is super underrated. They actually put me on an immunosuppressant for my kidneys, but I couldn't continue it. After about 3 or 4 weeks in I got sick for 2 months, I told him I can't fuckin do this. I do this I lose my job(s) bc I will have to call out who knows how many times (I was just showing up to work every day feeling like, and probably did have walking pneumonia).
It seems like GH would help though but I flat out asked him.
This Ipamorelin I think is making me sleep already better (more towards the end of the sleep, but I have been having some vivid ass dreams. Today I woke up and my heart was racing from the dream.
I will not even get started on broken bones, surgery and such but I am so pissed off about our health care system. Went to renew our health plan and the same plan will now cost me and the wife $1,100.00 a month. WTH??? Guess I will be free balling next year. I got to have somewhere to live and something to eat. Cannot have all three.
@metal, as frustrating as it is, I know what pain causes and anxiety as well!!!

It's unreal what can happen just from raising voice with the wrong asshole!!!

Even over phone then can screw your life up!!!

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