I will not even get started on broken bones, surgery and such but I am so pissed off about our health care system. Went to renew our health plan and the same plan will now cost me and the wife $1,100.00 a month. WTH??? Guess I will be free balling next year. I got to have somewhere to live and something to eat. Cannot have all three.
Absolutely ludicrous to pretend this is the greatest Country in the World when most of the population elects not to take care of their health bc they can't afford it.. And if the people that don't like Socialized medicine bc the "government control" well wtf are they doing right now? They have the control still, and it's expensive as fuck at the same time.

- - - Updated - - -

@metal, as frustrating as it is, I know what pain causes and anxiety as well!!!

It's unreal what can happen just from raising voice with the wrong asshole!!!

Even over phone then can screw your life up!!!

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Thanks my man. Yeah I even just read you can get a ticket for using your horn in your car, never knew that before. I need to chill the hell out sometimes for sure, but usually 3 things happen within a short time that is ridiculous I get elevated.
I have tried kratom and CBD w not THC didn't do anything for my back pain at all. I actually got my Medical marijuana card this year. Tried a vape pen for the first time ever, it was brand new hand delivered to my door, I charge it, I put the oil thing in...… I take a draw and see no smoke. I take another draw, still no smoke. I then realize it was broken, the 800mg THC oil sprayed to the back of my throat and tongue as I now taste this (all with in seconds).
I call the company right away to tell them it's broken and this is what happens.

I call. They answer.
2 mins into the conversation I am so high that I literally can hear my voice echoing and didn't know if I actually said what I thought I said, or if it was in my head.
I was fucking High as shit for like 10 hours. I never smoked weed. Been around it my whole life growing up until I was an adult though.
I then findo out that my body digested it bc it was swallowed and your liver breaks it down differently, and with my kidneys, they aren't removing the toxins so it's staying in my system. Long story short I do not do that shit. Fuck all that. I felt like I had dementia.
If you are able to vape please give it another shot. My wife would complain everyday about her leg pains. Finally a buddy of mine gave me an oil cartridge for vaping. The 2 strains that worked for her were Girl Scout Cookies and Tangie. The girl scout cookies was from the Cali line up. I don't remember what brand the tangie was from. The one brand that did nothing for her was Brass Knuckles. Being I don't my wife high all the time I got her some CBD oil from KOI. She only takes 1/2 a dropper and she's good to go. Now for me Kratom is the answer. Kratom is a little tricky. Take too little and your have some good energy. Take too much, you're not doing anything for a few hours. You gotta find the right dose for you. 6 grams is just right for me.

Now for benzos. You never want to stop cold turkey. You gotta wean yourself off. I could be wrong, but I think valium is the safest one you can take. The half life is long as fuck. Matter of fact people use valium to come off other benzos.
If you are able to vape please give it another shot. My wife would complain everyday about her leg pains. Finally a buddy of mine gave me an oil cartridge for vaping. The 2 strains that worked for her were Girl Scout Cookies and Tangie. The girl scout cookies was from the Cali line up. I don't remember what brand the tangie was from. The one brand that did nothing for her was Brass Knuckles. Being I don't my wife high all the time I got her some CBD oil from KOI. She only takes 1/2 a dropper and she's good to go. Now for me Kratom is the answer. Kratom is a little tricky. Take too little and your have some good energy. Take too much, you're not doing anything for a few hours. You gotta find the right dose for you. 6 grams is just right for me.

Now for benzos. You never want to stop cold turkey. You gotta wean yourself off. I could be wrong, but I think valium is the safest one you can take. The half life is long as fuck. Matter of fact people use valium to come off other benzos.

Well I tried the vape it went wrong, the other thing I got was the most ridiculous way to try to measure a dose. It can in a 1ML syringe and was literally as thick as sap. So they tell you leave the syringe in hot water for 45 seconds then take the cap off, push the plunger a "rice grain amount" and you will be good.

So the first day I tried it, and was painting the outside o my house so I took what I would consider to be a half grain of rice, felt nothing at all.
The next day I was doing nothing, kids were in school, I was off work and done with my house projects for the week, so I decided to take the recommended amount...…
I freaked the fuck out. I started texting my Dad (he's smoked for over 40 years so he knows) he tells me you have to keep your mind occupied. I keep trying to do shit and I look at the clock and 1 minute will pass. I am trying to drink the shit out of water so it passes through faster. drank a half gallon in about 30 mins. No change I lay down to nap. All I can think about is "I am going to have a heart attack right now, and no one is going to know" so I get back up. I did this as about 830am, now it like 1030 I am high as shit. My son gets out at 1130. By 1050 I tell my Dad I can't pick him up. My other son gets out at 230, by 150 still fucked up, I tell my Dad I can't pick him up. I can't do anything to occupy my mind bc I am freaking the fuck out, alone at home. I knew I couldn't drive, I would feel more comfortable drunk driving. This shit literally lasted all day into the next day I was still out of it. We are going on a vacation. I told my Wife she has to drive bc I am not 100% still....

I was pleaded with to try it again. I was like fuck that. BC my kidneys it must prolong the effects tremendously for me, on top of that my Dr prescribed me the strongest shit this company carried for the vape and for the plunger since I had such a high tolerance with everything else, like I could drink a shit load, anesthesia has always needed to double dose me for surgeries, and my pain meds at the time were high dosed, so it only made sense to think ok that makes sense.

I honestly never wanna feel like that again. My Dad helped me a lot that day but he was also laughing at me lol which I don't blame him honestly. It was crazy how I reacted to that shit.

I tried kratom different strains and strengths, for me nothing hid the taste and it taste like shit.
Sounds like you had a sativa strain. I can't do sativa for exactly the same reasons you have. My mind would just race. Like a mild anxiety attack. Indica on the other hand calms me the fuck down. It's good for sleeping.

I with you with regards to kratom. It tastes like shit. This is why I cap them. I'm able to put about 700mg into one cap. I just take 6 capsules and I'm a happy camper. You can get a capsule maker for about 20 bones off amazon.
Sounds like you had a sativa strain. I can't do sativa for exactly the same reasons you have. My mind would just race. Like a mild anxiety attack. Indica on the other hand calms me the fuck down. It's good for sleeping.

I with you with regards to kratom. It tastes like shit. This is why I cap them. I'm able to put about 700mg into one cap. I just take 6 capsules and I'm a happy camper. You can get a capsule maker for about 20 bones off amazon.

I tried filling them with just empty caps I bought just for those (hard as shit to fill w out the thing you're talking about) but when I realized I had to take so many to get the dosage I was like ok fuck this.